The Swiss Plant Science Web consists of approximately 130 members. They are professors and/or research group leaders at a Swiss university. With their teams they carry out excellent plant science research.

The list below is in alphabetical order by group leader last name. Alternatively, see a list in alphabetical order arranged by portfolio title.

Professors and Group Leaders (sorted by name)

Dr. Simon AeschbacherPlant adaptation and speciation in the face of gene flowPopulation Genomics
Prof. Dr. Jake AlexanderExperimental plant ecologyPlant Ecology
Dr. Aurélien BaillyVolatile organic compounds-mediated plant-microbe communicationMolecular Plant-Microbe Interactions
Prof. Dr. Marie BarberonNutrition and development of plantsDevelopmental Physiology
PD Dr. Célia BarouxChromatin and transcriptome dynamics during sexual plant reproductionMolecular Genetics of Plant Development
Prof. Dr. Jordi BascompteNetworks of species interactions and biodiversityCommunity Ecology
PD Dr. Reinhard BerndtSystematic mycologySystematic Mycology
Prof. Dr. Sylvain BischofEpigenetic control of gene expression and genome stabilityEpigenetics and Chromatin Biology
Prof. Dr. em. Thomas BollerMolecular aspects of symbiosis and pathogenesis in plantsMolecular Plant-Microbe Interactions
Prof. Dr. Kirsten BombliesAdaptive evolution in response to genome duplication and climatePlant Evolutionary Genetics
Prof. Dr. Nina BuchmannBiogeochemistry and biodiversity of agro- and forest ecosystemsEcosystem Functioning and Global Change
Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Camara-LeretBiocultural conservationEthnobotany
Prof. Dr. Elena ContiAn integrative phylogenetic approach to elucidate the evolution of plant diversityPlant Evolution and Systematics
Prof. Dr. Daniel CrollEvolutionary genomics of plant-pathogen interactionsEvolutionary Genetics
Prof. Dr. Alexander DammRemote sensing of plant-water relationsRemote Sensing
Prof. Dr. Consuelo De MoraesBiocommunication & ecologyBiocommunication & Ecology
Dr. Jurriaan de VosPlant reproductive diversity across lineages and environmentsPlant Evolution and Systematics
Prof. Dr. Leo EberlInteractions of bacteria with plantsMicrobiology
Prof. Dr. Matthias ErbSecondary metabolites in plant-herbivore interactionsMolecular and Chemical Plant-Herbivore Interactions
Prof. Dr. Christian FankhauserMolecular mechanisms of light-regulated growth and development in plantsPlant Photoreceptor-Mediated Signal Transduction
Prof. Dr. Edward FarmerPlant molecular biologyPlant Molecular Biology
Prof. Dr. Markus FischerPlant ecologyPlant Ecology
Prof. Dr. Teresa FitzpatrickVitamin metabolism and its relations to environmental stressPlant Biochemistry and Physiology
Dr. Pascale FluryPlant-beneficial rhizobacteriaPlant-Microbe Interactions
Prof. Dr. Emmanuel FrossardImprove nutrient-use efficiency in agro-ecosystemsPlant Nutrition
Dr. Claude GarciaHuman-forest interface in subtropical and tropical regions – Forest management and development groupBiodiversity Conservation – Natural Resources Management
PD Dr. Markus GeislerFunctional interactomics of auxin transportMolecular Plant Physiology - Hormone Transport
Prof. Dr. Niko GeldnerDevelopmental cell biology of plantsDevelopmental Cell Biology of Plants
Prof. Dr. Jaboury GhazoulPlant-animal interactions and ecosystem functionEcology of Plant Reproduction
Prof. Dr. Pierre GoloubinoffPerception of stress and the mechanisms of molecular chaperonesHeat-Shock Biology and the Mechanisms of Chaperone Actions
Prof. Dr. Jason GrantPlant systematics and taxonomyPlant Systematics and Taxonomy
Dr. Stefan Grob3D-omicsEpigenetics
Prof. Dr. Charlotte GrossiordHeat and drought impact on trees and forest ecosystemsPhysiological Plant Ecology
Prof. Dr. Ueli GrossniklausGenetic and epigenetic control of plant reproductionPlant Developmental Genetics
Prof. Dr. Wilhelm GruissemPlant genetic networks – from databases to computational modelingFunctional Genomics
Dr. Felix GugerliLandscape Genomics of Forest Trees and Alpine PlantsEcological Genetics
Prof. Dr. Antoine GuisanSpatial modelling of plants species distributionSpatial Ecology
Prof. Dr. Marcus HallPlants and societyEnvironmental History
Prof. Dr. Christian HardtkeThe molecular basis of plant growth & developmentMolecular Genetics & Natural Genetic Variation
Dr. Ora HazakSignaling peptides in plant adaptation to abiotic stressesMolecular Genetics and Plant Cell Biology
PD Dr. Günter HochTree carbon relationsTree Ecophysiology
Prof. Dr. Michael HothornStructural plant biologyStructural Biology & Cell Biology & Genetics
Prof. Dr. Pauline JullienMethylome dynamics during Arabidopsis reproductionDevelopment and Epigenetic
Prof. Dr. Ansgar KahmenResponses of plants and ecosystems to global environmental changePhysiological Plant Ecology
Prof. Dr. Beat KellerThe cereal genomes: hidden treasures for evolutionary genomics and agronomyPlant Molecular Biology
PD Dr. Michael KesslerTropical plant biodiversity and biogeographyTropical Plant Biodiversity and Biogeography
Prof. Dr. Felix KesslerDiscovering how chloroplasts are madeChloroplasts and Photosynthesis
Prof. em. Dr. Christian KörnerEcosystem function and biodiversity under global changePlant Ecology
Prof. Dr. Christoph KüfferGlobal change ecologyGlobal Change Ecology
Prof. Dr. Cris KuhlemeierPlant developmental biologyPlant Developmental Biology
Dr. Fiamma P. LongoniDynamics of the light harvesting complexPhotosynthetic acclimation
Prof. Dr. Luis Lopez-MolinaMolecular genetic control of seed germination in Arabidopsis thalianaPlant Developmental Genetics, Hormone Signaling
Prof. Dr. Kay LucekHolocentric chromosomes and their impact on speciationBiodiversity Genomics
Dr. Ricardo MachadoBioluminescence as a regulator of multitrophic interactions belowgroundMolecular and Chemical Ecology
Prof. Dr. Macarena Marín ArancibiaEndosymbiotic accommodation of bacteria

Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions

Prof. Dr. Monika MaurhoferPlant pathologyPlant Pathology
Prof. Dr. Bruce McDonaldPopulation genetics and evolutionary biology of plant pathogenic fungiPlant Pathology
Prof. Dr. Heinz Müller-SchärerEcology and evolution in invasive plantsPlant Population Ecology
Dr. Yamama NaciriUnderstanding plant speciation and diversification patternsBiodiversity and Evolution
Dr. Christiane NawrathStructure – function analysis of cutin and the cuticle in ArabidopsisBiochemistry
Prof. Dr. Pascal NiklausConsequences of environmental change on plant communities and plant-soil interactionsGlobal Change and Soil Ecology
PD Dr. Reto NyffelerAdaptation and diversification of succulent plantsComparative Evolutionary Biology and Systematics
Dr. Astrid ObersonPhosphorus and nitrogen (re-)cycling in agro-ecosystemsPlant Nutrition
Prof. Dr. John PannellEcology and evolution of plant sexual systemsEcology and Evolution of Plant Sexual Systems
Prof. Dr. Christian ParisodPlant ecological genomicsPlant Genome Evolution and Diversification
Prof. Dr. Loïc PellissierUnderstanding the dynamic of biological landscapesSpatial Ecology
Prof. Dr. Michelle PricePlant systematics and biodiversitySystematics and Evolution of Plants and Fungi
Prof. Dr. Yves PoirierPlant metabolic pathways and phosphate homeostasisPlant Molecular Biology-Metabolic Pathways
Prof. Dr. Michael RaissigForm, development, and function of grass stomataPlant Developmental Genetics
Prof. Dr. Stefanie RanfSensing and adaptation of bacteria in plantsPlant-Microbe Interactions
Prof. Dr. Sergio RasmannEvolutionary ecology of above-belowground plant-animal interactionMechanistic Community Ecology, Soil Ecology
Prof. Dr. Didier ReinhardtRegulation of growth, nutrition, and symbiosis in plantsMolecular Plant-Microbe interactions, Plant Nutrition
Prof. Dr. Rodrigo ReisAdaptation to warm ambient temperature via posttranscriptional regulationRNA Biology
Prof. Dr. Doris RentschTransport of organic nitrogen in plants and parasitic protozoaMolecular Plant Physiology
Prof. Dr. Philippe ReymondPlant defenses against insectsMolecular Studies of Plant-Insect Interactions
Prof. Dr. Christoph RingliRegulatory factors controlling cell wall formationMolecular Genetics of Plant Development
Prof. Dr. Christelle RobertInfochemicals that shape interactions between organismsChemical Ecology
Prof. Dr. Anne RoulinGenetic basis of local adaptationMolecular Ecology
Prof. Dr. Sabine RumpfAlpine and arctic plant ecologyPlant Ecology
Prof. Dr. Ian R. SandersGenetics and evolution of the mycorrhizal symbiosisMolecular Genetics and Evolution
PD Dr. Diana SanteliaThe role of carbon metabolism in drought stress tolerancePlant Molecular Physiology and Biochemistry
Prof. Dr. Julia Santiago CuellarPlant signaling mechanismsCell Wall Signaling and Remodeling
Prof. Dr. Florian P. SchiestlChemical and evolutionary ecology of plant - insect interactionsSystematic Botany
Prof. Dr. Joelle SchläpferRoot-microbe interactionsMolecular Plant Microbe Interactions
Prof. Dr. Klaus SchlaeppiRoot microbiomePlant-Microbe Interactions
Prof. Dr. em. Bernhard SchmidOrganization of plant populations and communitiesExperimental Plant Ecology
Prof. Dr. Kentaro ShimizuHow genomic changes promote adaptation and speciation in Arabidopsis relatives and in tropical treesEvolutionary Functional Genomics / Systems Biology
Dr. Rie Shimizu-InatsugiPolyploidization and stress response in plantsEvolutionary Genomics
Prof. Dr. Sara SimoniniCanonical and non-canonical epigenetic regulation of embryogenesisPlant Molecular and Developmental Biology
Prof. Dr. Johan SixElucidating and promoting sustainable agriculture across the worldSustainable Agroecosystems
Prof. Dr. Sebastian SoykGenetic control of plant architecturePlant Developmental Genetics
Dr. Thomas StädlerEvolutionary genetics and reproductive isolation in wild tomatoesPlant Evolutionary Genetics
Prof. Dr. Bruno StuderForage crop geneticsForage Crop Genetics
Dr. Peter SzövényiEvolutionary genomics and ecology of macro- and microevolutionary transitionsEvolutionary Genomics
Prof. Dr. Zerihun TadeleCrop breeding and genomicsPlant Genetics and Development
Dr. Federica TamburiniOxygen isotope in phosphate, a new approach to study the soil/plant systemPlant Nutrition
Prof. Dr. Willy TinnerEcosystem and vegetation responses to climatic change, disturbance and land usePaleoecology and Vegetation Dynamics
Dr. Elisabeth TruernitPhloem development and functionPlant Development
Prof. Dr. Ted TurlingsChemical signals involved in plant-insect interactionsChemical Ecology
Prof. Dr. Roman UlmUV-B perception and signalling in plantsPlant Molecular Biology
Prof. Dr. Marcel Van der HeijdenSymbiosis and soil biodiversity as a driver of plant growth and ecosystem functioningPlant Soil Interactions
Prof. Dr. Joop VermeerUnderstanding spatial accommodating responses during plant developmentPlant Cell Biology
Prof. Dr. Olivier VoinnetRNA BiologyRNA Biology
Prof. Dr. Julia VorholtPhyllosphere microbiomeMicrobiology
Prof. Dr. Achim WalterPlant growth and phenotypingCrop Science
PD Dr. Caroline WeckerleEthnobotanyEthnobotany
Prof. Dr. Laure WeisskopfVolatile-mediated impact of bacteria on plantsPlant-microbe Interactions, Phytopathology, Microbiology
Prof. Dr. Thomas WickerGenomics and bioinformatics in plants and fungiGenomics
Prof. Dr. Alex WidmerUnderstanding the genetic basis of ecological and evolutionary processesPlant Ecological Genetics
Prof. Dr. Yvonne WilliLimits to the adaptive evolution processEvolutionary Biology
Prof. Dr. Samuel C. ZeemanPlant primary metabolism - From basic research to crop productivityPlant Biochemistry
Prof. Dr. Clara ZempProtecting biodiversity in a changing worldConservation biology
Prof. Dr. Cyril ZipfelReceptor kinase-mediated plant sensingPlant Signaling
Prof. Dr. Tobias ZüstCosts and benefits of phytochemical diversity in coevolved systemsChemical Ecology of Plant-herbivore Interactions