Plant ecological genomics
Plant Genome Evolution and Diversification
Despite evidence pointing to gene duplication, transposition and epigenetic changes going along with plant diversification, the evolutionary significance of such genome dynamics remains elusive. Our work thus integrates evolutionary ecology and genomics to better understand speciation and adaptive radiation under changing environments.
Our projects often (but not only) use polyploid speciation as a model process integrating genomic and ecological changes. They combine high-throughput genomic technologies with experimental and empirical field studies to untangle the genetic and ecological drivers of diversification in alpine and Mediterranean plant populations.
Recent Publications
- Plant evolutionary ecology in mountain regions in space and time
Parisod, Christian; Lavergne, Sebastien; Sun, Hang; Kadereit, Joachim W.
Alpine Botany 10.1007/s00035-022-00279-w FEB 2022 - Phylogenetics and Biogeography of Lilium ledebourii from the Hyrcanian Forest
Shokrollahi, Shekoofeh; Yousefzadeh, Hamed; Parisod, Christian; Heshmati, Gholamali; Bina, Hamid; et al.
Diversity-basel 10.3390/d14020137 FEB 2022 - Parallel adaptation in autopolyploid Arabidopsis arenosa is dominated by repeated recruitment of shared allele
Konecna, Veronika; Bray, Sian; Vlcek, Jakub; Bohutinska, Magdalena; Pozarova, Doubravka; et al.
Nature Communications 10.1038/s41467-021-25256-5 AUG 17 2021 - Plant speciation in the face of recurrent climate changes in the Alps
Parisod, Christian
Alpine Botany 10.1007/s00035-021-00259-6 JUL 2021 - Multiscale Very High Resolution Topographic Models in Alpine Ecology: Pros and Cons of Airborne LiDAR and Drone-Based Stereo-Photogrammetry Technologies
Guillaume, Annie S.; Leempoel, Kevin; Rochat, Estelle; Rogivue, Aude; Kasser, Michel; et al.
Remote Sensing 10.3390/rs13081588 Published: APR 2021 - Transcriptional activity of transposable elements along an elevational gradient in Arabidopsis arenosa
Wos, Guillaume; Choudhury, Rimjhim Roy; Kolar, Filip; Parisod, Christian
Mobile Dna, DOI: 10.1186/s13100-021-00236-0 FEB 27 2021 - The genome of Draba nivalis shows signatures of adaptation to the extreme environmental stresses of the Arctic
Nowak, Michael D.; Birkeland, Siri; Mandakova, Terezie; Roy Choudhury, Rimjhim; Guo, Xinyi; et al.
Molecular Ecology Resources, DOI: 10.1111/1755-0998.13280 APR 2021 - Recent hybrid speciation at the origin of the narrow endemic Pulmonaria helvetica
Gruenig, Sandra; Fischer, Markus; Parisod, Christian
Annals Of Botany 10.1093/aob/mcaa145 JAN 2021 - Climate Change and Alpine Screes: No Future for Glacial Relict Papaver occidentale (Papaveraceae) in Western Prealps
Fragniere, Yann; Pittet, Loic; Clement, Benoit; Betrisey, Sebastien; Gerber, Emanuel; et al.
Diversity-basel, DOI: 10.3390/d12090346 SEP 2020 - Genetic structure of the endemicPapaver occidentaleindicates survival and immigration in the Western Prealps
Pittet, Loic; Fragniere, Yann; Grunig, Sandra; Betrisey, Sebastien; Clement, Benoit; et al.
Alpine Botany, 10.1007/s00035-020-00238-3 OCT 2020 - Chromosome restructuring among hybridizing wild wheats
Parisod, Christian; Badaeva, Ekaterina D.
New Phytologist, 10.1111/nph.16415, FEB 2020 - Plant defense resistance in natural enemies of a specialist insect herbivore
Zhang, Xi; van Doan, Cong; Arce, Carla C. M.; Hu, Lingfei; Gruenig, Sandra; Parisod, Christian; Hibbard, Bruce E; Herve, Maxime R.; Nielson, Chad; Robert, Christelle A. M.; Machado, Ricardo A. R.; Erb, Matthias
Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1912599116, NOV 12 2019 - Eco-genetic additivity of diploids in allopolyploid wild wheats
Huynh, Stella; Broennimann, Olivier; Guisan, Antoine; Felber, Francois; Parisod, Christian
Ecology Letters, DOI: 10.1111/ele.13466, Early Access: FEB 2020 - Hybridization preceded radiation in diploid wheats
Huynh, S; Marcussen, T; Felber, F; Parisod, C
MOLECULAR PHYLOGENETICS AND EVOLUTION, 139 10.1016/j.ympev.2019.106554 OCT 2019 - …

Prof. Dr. Christian Parisod
University of Fribourg
Dept of Biology
1700 Fribourg
Tel: +41 26 300 8852
Research topics
- Mechanisms of reproductive isolation and speciation
- Polyploidy (hybridization and whole genome duplication)
- Transposable elements and genome dynamics
- Landscape genetics and adaptation to environmental heterogeneity
- Alpine botany
- Integration of genetic variation with environmental heterogeneity at high resolution
- Characterization of genetic resources in wild relatives of crop species
- Genetic diversity for the monitoring of rare endemics or ill-defined species