Receptor kinase-mediated plant sensing
Plant Signaling
As multicellular organisms, plants constantly perceive their environment and respond appropriately, which is required for their survival, as well as the coordination of their growth and development. In particular, we are focusing on cell surface-localised immune receptors, called pattern recognition receptors, that perceive microbe-derived or endogenous patterns to activate innate immune responses.
Plant pattern recognition receptors are receptor kinases or are part of receptor kinase complexes, and thus offer exquisite model systems to study the molecular basis of plant immunity, but also the mechanisms underlying the function, activation and regulation receptor kinase-mediated pathways in growth, development and responses to environmental stresses. In addition, we are interested in identifying and engineering immune receptors to improve disease resistance in crops.
Research topics
- Plant innate immunity
- Plant receptor kinases
- Phosphorylation-based regulation of plant signaling
- Plasma membrane organization
- Cell wall integrity sensing
- Plant biotechnology
Recent Publications
- A phosphoinositide hub connects CLE peptide signaling and polar auxin efflux regulation
Nature Communications, 2023-01-26 | DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-36200-0
Contributors: Qian Wang; A. Cecilia Aliaga Fandino; Moritz Graeff; Thomas A. DeFalco; Cyril Zipfel; Christian S. Hardtke - The Arabidopsis pattern recognition receptor EFR enhances fire blight resistance in apple
Piazza, Stefano; Campa, Manuela; Pompili, Valerio; Dalla Costa, Lorenza; Salvagnin, Umberta; et al.
Horticulture Research 10.1038/s41438-021-00639-3 DEC 2021 - Molecular mechanisms of early plant pattern-triggered immune signaling (vol 81, pg 3449, 2021)
DeFalco, Thomas A.; Zipfel, Cyril
Molecular Cell 10.1016/j.molcel.2021.09.028 OCT 21 2021 - Family-wide evaluation of RAPID ALKALINIZATION FACTOR peptides
Abarca, Alicia; Franck, Christina M.; Zipfel, Cyril
Plant Physiology 10.1093/plphys/kiab308 OCT 2021 - Review Molecular mechanisms of early plant pattern-triggered immune signaling
DeFalco, Thomas A.; Zipfel, Cyril
Molecular Cell 10.1016/j.molcel.2021.07.029 SEP 2 2021 - Bacterial rhamnolipids and their 3-hydroxyalkanoate precursors activate Arabidopsis innate immunity two independent mechanisms
Schellenberger, Romain; Crouzet, Jerome; Nickzad, Arvin; Shu, Lin-Jie; Kutschera, Alexander; et al.
Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America 10.1073/pnas.2101366118 SEP 28 2021 - Activation loop phosphorylaton of a non-RD receptor kinase initiates plant innate immune signaling
Bender, Kyle W.; Couto, Daniel; Kadota, Yasuhiro; Macho, Alberto P.; Sklenar, Jan; et al.
Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America10.1073/pnas.2108242118 SEP 21 2021 - Importance of tyrosine phosphorylation for transmembrane signaling in plants
Muehlenbeck, Henning; Bender, Kyle W.; Zipfel, Cyril
Biochemical Journal 10.1042/BCJ20210202 JUL 2021 - Perception of a divergent family of phytocytokines by the Arabidopsis receptor kinase MIK2
Rhodes, Jack; Yang, Huanjie; Moussu, Steven; Boutrot, Freddy; Santiago, Julia; Zipfel, Cyril
Nature Communications 10.1038/s41467-021-20932-y JAN 29 2021 - An evergreen mind and a heart for the colors of fall
Sylvain Aubry, Bastien Christ, Bernhard Kräutler, Enrico Martinoia, Howard Thomas, Cyril Zipfel
Journal of Experimental Botany, - The Arabidopsis immune receptor EFR increases resistance to the bacterial pathogens Xanthomonas and Xylella in transgenic sweet orange
Mitre, Leticia Kuster; Teixeira-Silva, Natalia Sousa; Rybak, Katarzyna; Magalhaes, Diogo Maciel; de Souza-Neto, Reinaldo Rodrigues; et al.
Plant Biotechnology Journal 10.1111/pbi.13629 JUL 2021 - Large-scale identification of ubiquitination sites on membrane-associated proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings
Grubb, Lauren E.; Derbyshire, Paul; Dunning, Katherine E.; Zipfel, Cyril; Menke, Frank L. H.; et al.
Plant Physiology 10.1093/plphys/kiab023 APR 2021 - A novel allele of the Arabidopsis thaliana MACPF protein CAD1 results in deregulated immune signaling
Holmes, Danalyn R.; Bredow, Melissa; Thor, Kathrin; Pascetta, Sydney A.; Sementchoukova, Irina; et al.
Genetics 10.1093/genetics/iyab022 APR 2021 - Wheat Pm4 resistance to powdery mildew is controlled by alternative splice variants encoding chimeric proteins
Sanchez-Martin, Javier; Widrig, Victoria; Herren, Gerhard; Wicker, Thomas; Zbinden, Helen; Gronnier, Julien; Sporri, Laurin; Praz, Coraline R; Heuberger, Matthias; Kolodziej, Markus C.; Isaksson, Jonatan; Steuernagel, Burkhard; Karafiatova, Miroslava; Dolezel, Jaroslav; Zipfel, Cyril; Keller, Beat
Nature Plants, 10.1038/s41477-021-00869-2 MAR 2021 - The transcriptional landscape of Arabidopsis thaliana pattern-triggered immunity
Bjornson, Marta; Pimprikar, Priya; Nuernberger, Thorsten; Zipfel, Cyril
Nature Plants DOI: 10.1038/s41477-021-00874-5 MAR 2021 - A membrane-bound ankyrin repeat protein confers race-specific leaf rust disease resistance in wheat
Kolodziej, Markus C.; Singla, Jyoti; Sanchez-Martin, Javier; Zbinden, Helen; Simkova, Hana; Karafiatova, Miroslava; Dolezel, Jaroslav; Gronnier, Julien; Poretti, Manuel; Glauser, Gaetan; Zhu, Wangsheng; Koster, Philipp; Zipfel, Cyril; Wicker, Thomas; Krattinger, Simon; Keller, Beat
Nature Communications, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-20777-x FEB 11 2021

Prof. Dr. Cyril Zipfel
University of Zurich
Department of Plant and Microbial Biology
8008 Zurich
Tel: +41 44 63 48222
- Protein-protein interactions
- Protein phosphorylation analysis
- Plant-bacteria interactions
- Bioimaging
- Signaling bioassays in immunity, growth and development
- Electrophysiology