The list below is in alphabetical order arranged by portfolio name. Or see a list in alphabetical order arranged by group leader last name.

Cartoon representation of a cell nucleus Stefan Grob



Dr. Stefan Grob, Zurich-Basel PSC, University of Zurich, Department of Plant and Microbial Biology

Succulent Karoo lgottiphyllum

Comparative Evolutionary Biology and Systematics

Adaptation and diversification of succulent plants

PD Dr. Reto Nyffeler, Zurich-Basel PSC, University of Zurich, Department of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany

Arabidopsis arenosa tetraploid meiocytes in pachytene stage

Plant Evolutionary Genetics

Adaptive evolution in response to genome duplication and climate

Prof. Dr. Kirsten Bomblies, Zurich-Basel PSC, ETH Zurich, Institute of Molecular Plant Biology

Illustration of thermomorphogenesis phenotype (Quint et al. 2016 Nature Plants)

RNA Biology

Adaptation to warm ambient temperature via posttranscriptional regulation

Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Reis, BeNeFri, University of Bern, Institute of Plant Sciences

Dryas octopetala on the arctic archipelago Svalbard. Sabine Rumpf Uni Basel

Plant Ecology

Alpine and arctic plant ecology

Prof. Dr. Sabine Rumpf, Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center, Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Basel

Primula styles c

Plant Evolution and Systematics

An integrative phylogenetic approach to elucidate the evolution of plant diversity

Prof. Dr. Elena Conti, Zurich-Basel PSC, University of Zurich, Department of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany


Biocommunication & Ecology

Biocommunication & ecology

Prof. Dr. Consuelo De Moraes, Zurich-Basel PSC, ETH Zurich, Institute of Agricultural Sciences

Experimental manipulations

Ecosystem Functioning and Global Change

Biogeochemistry and biodiversity of agro- and forest ecosystems

Prof. Dr. Nina Buchmann, Zurich-Basel PSC, ETH Zurich, Institute of Agricultural Sciences

Bioluminescent insect larvae

Molecular and Chemical Ecology

Bioluminescence as a regulator of multitrophic interactions belowground

Dr. Ricardo Machado, BeNeFri, University of Neuchâtel, Institute of Biology

Early seed development imaged by mPS-PI staining

Plant Molecular and Developmental Biology

Canonical and non-canonical epigenetic regulation of embryogenesis

Prof. Dr. Sara Simonini, Zurich-Basel PSC, University of Zurich, Department of Plant and Microbial Biology

Chemical signals

Chemical Ecology

Chemical signals involved in plant-insect interactions

Prof. Dr. Ted Turlings, BeNeFri, University of Neuchâtel, Institute of Biology


Molecular Genetics of Plant Development

Chromatin and transcriptome dynamics during sexual plant reproduction

PD Dr. Célia Baroux, Zurich-Basel PSC, University of Zurich, Department of Plant and Microbial Biology


Global Change and Soil Ecology

Consequences of environmental change on plant communities and plant-soil interactions

Prof. Dr. Pascal Niklaus, Zurich-Basel PSC, University of Zurich, Dept. of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies


Chemical Ecology of Plant-herbivore Interactions

Costs and benefit of phytochemical diversity in coevolved systems

Prof. Dr. Tobias Züst, PSC, University of Zurich, Department of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany


Plant Genetics and Development

Crop breeding and genomics

Prof. Dr. Zerihun Tadele, University of Bern, Institute of Plant Sciences


Developmental Cell Biology of Plants

Developmental cell biology of plants

Prof. Dr. Niko Geldner, Arc Lémanique PS, University of Lausanne, Department of Plant Molecular Biology


Chloroplasts and Photosynthesis

Discovering how chloroplasts are made

Prof. Dr. Felix Kessler, BeNeFri, University of Neuchâtel, Institute of Biology

Reduced antenna system

Photosynthetic acclimation

Dynamics of the light harvesting complex

Dr. Fiamma P Longoni, University of Neuchâtel, Institute of Biology


Systematic Botany

Ecological interactions and plant evolution

Prof. Dr. Florian P. Schiestl, Zurich-Basel PSC, University of Zurich, Department of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany


Plant Population Ecology

Ecology and evolution in invasive plants

Prof. Dr. Heinz Müller-Schärer, BeNeFri, University of Fribourg, Department of Biology

Leucadendron Namibia

Ecology and Evolution of Plant Sexual Systems

Ecology and evolution of plant sexual systems

Prof. Dr. John Pannell, Arc Lémanique PS, University of Lausanne, Department of Ecology and Evolution

Collecting sediment in a lake

Paleoecology and Vegetation Dynamics

Ecosystem and vegetation responses to climatic change, disturbance and land use

Prof. Dr. Willy Tinner, BeNeFri, University of Bern, Institute of Plant Sciences

DUW Broschuere Foto

Plant Ecology

Ecosystem function and biodiversity under global change

Prof. em. Dr. Christian Körner, Zurich-Basel PSC, University of Basel, Dept. of Environmental Sciences – Botany

Tomato chambers in the field

Sustainable Agroecosystems

Elucidating and promoting sustainable agriculture across the world

Prof. Dr. Johan Six, Zurich-Basel PSC, ETH Zurich, Institute of Agricultural Sciences


Endosymbiotic accommodation of bacteria

Prof. Dr. Macarena Marín Arancibia, University of Lausanne, Department of Plant Molecular Biology

Epigenetics and Chromatin Remodeling

Epigenetics and Chromatin Biology

Epigenetic control of gene expression and genome stability

Prof. Dr. Sylvain Bischof, Zurich-Basel PSC, University of Zurich, Department of Plant and Microbial Biology

Meconopsis delavayi Papaveraceae



PD Dr. Caroline Weckerle, Zurich-Basel PSC, University of Zurich, Department of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany

elevational gradients

Mechanistic Community Ecology, Soil Ecology

Evolutionary ecology of above-belowground plant-animal interaction

Prof. Dr. Sergio Rasmann, BeNeFri, University of Neuchâtel, Institute of Biology

Solanum chilense

Plant Evolutionary Genetics

Evolutionary genetics and reproductive isolation in wild tomatoes

Dr. Thomas Städler, Zurich-Basel PSC, ETH Zurich, Institute of Integrative Biology

antagonistic selection

Evolutionary Genomics

Evolutionary genomics and ecology of macro- and microevolutionary transitions

Dr. Peter Szövényi, Zurich-Basel PSC, University of Zurich, Department of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany


Evolutionary Genetics

Evolutionary genomics of plant-pathogen interactions

Prof. Dr. Daniel Croll, BeNeFri, University of Neuchâtel, Institute of Biology

Eschscholzia californica ©Jake Alexander

Plant Ecology

Experimental plant ecology

Prof. Dr. Jake Alexander, Zurich-Basel PSC, ETH Zurich, Institute of Integrative Biology

Lolium multiflorum ryegrass

Forage Crop Genetics

Forage crop genetics

Prof. Dr. Bruno Studer, Zurich-Basel PSC, ETH Zurich, Institute of Agricultural Sciences

A mobile transcription factor initiates subsidiary cell development

Plant Developmental Genetics

Form, development, and function of grass stomata

Prof. Dr. Michael Raissig, BeNeFri, University of Bern, Institute of Plant Sciences

root tip auxin

Molecular Plant Physiology - Hormone Transport

Functional interactomics of auxin transport

PD Dr. Markus Geisler, BeNeFri, University of Fribourg, Department of Biology

Nortia mutant

Plant Developmental Genetics

Genetic and epigenetic control of plant reproduction

Prof. Dr. Ueli Grossniklaus, Zurich-Basel PSC, University of Zurich, Department of Plant and Microbial Biology

brachypodium distachyon spikelets

Molecular Ecology

Genetic basis of local adaptation

Prof. Dr. Anne Roulin, Zurich-Basel PSC, University of Zurich, Department of Plant and Microbial Biology

Engineering inflorescence architecture Soyk

Plant Developmental Genetics

Genetic control of plant architecture

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Soyk, Arc Lémanique PS, University of Lausanne, Center for Integrative Genomics

mycorrhiza Jan Sanders UniL

Molecular Genetics and Evolution

Genetics and evolution of the mycorrhizal symbiosis

Prof. Dr. Ian R. Sanders, Arc Lémanique PS, University of Lausanne, Department of Ecology and Evolution

Model for the evolution of powdery mildew isolates


Genomics and bioinformatics in plants and fungi

Prof. Dr. Thomas Wicker, Zurich-Basel PSC, University of Zurich, Department of Plant and Microbial Biology

northea hornei

Global change ecology

Global change ecology

Prof. Dr. Christoph Küffer, Zurich-Basel PSC, ETH Zurich, Institute of Integrative Biology

Climate chambers (image: Philipp Schuler)

Physiological Plant Ecology

Heat and drought impact on trees and forest ecosystems

Prof. Dr. Charlotte Grossiord, EPFL, ENAC, Environmental Engineering Institute (IIE)

From fieldwork to comparative genomics – Erebia ligea & E. aethiops

Biodiversity Genomics

Holocentric chromosomes and their impact on speciation

Prof. Dr. Kay Lucek, BeNeFri, Neuchâtel University, Institute of Biology

Arabidopsis thaliana

Evolutionary Functional Genomics / Systems Biology

How genomic changes promote adaptation and speciation in Arabidopsis relatives and in tropical trees

Prof. Dr. Kentaro Shimizu, Zurich-Basel PSC, University of Zurich, Dept. of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies

Cocoa Cameroon

Biodiversity Conservation – Natural Resources Management

Human-forest interface in subtropical and tropical regions – Forest management and development group (ForDev)

Dr. Claude Garcia, Zurich-Basel PSC, ETH Zurich, Institute of Terrestrial Ecosystems

canavalia brasiliensis nicaragua

Plant Nutrition

Improve nutrient-use efficiency in agro-ecosystems

Prof. Dr. Emmanuel Frossard, Zurich-Basel PSC, ETH Zurich, Institute of Agricultural Sciences

mouse eating maize

Chemical Ecology

Infochemicals that shape interactions between organisms

Prof. Dr. Christelle Robert, BeNeFri, University of Bern, Institute of Plant Sciences



Interactions of bacteria with plants

Prof. Dr. Leo Eberl, Zurich-Basel PSC, University of Zurich, Department of Plant and Microbial Biology

Landscape barriers for Roe Deer Felix Gugerli

Ecological Genetics

Landscape genomics of forest trees and alpine plants

Dr. Felix Gugerli Künzle, Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL

test chamber

Evolutionary Biology

Limits to the adaptive evolution process

Prof. Dr. Yvonne Willi, Zurich-Basel PSC, University of Basel, Dept. of Environmental Sciences – Botany


Development and Epigenetic

Methylome dynamics during Arabidopsis reproduction

Prof. Dr. Pauline Jullien, BeNeFri, University of Bern, Institute of Plant Sciences

Arabidopsis and Pseudomonas

Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions

Molecular aspects of symbiosis and pathogenesis in plants

Prof. em. Dr. Thomas Boller, Zurich-Basel PSC, University of Basel, Dept. of Environmental Sciences – Botany

germinated seed

Plant Developmental Genetics, Hormone Signaling

Molecular genetic control of seed germination in Arabidopsis thaliana

Prof. Dr. Luis Lopez-Molina, Arc Lémanique PS, University of Geneva, Department of Botany and Plant Biology

rosette of Arabidopsis

Plant Photoreceptor-Mediated Signal Transduction

Molecular mechanisms of light-regulated growth and development in plants

Prof. Dr. Christian Fankhauser, Arc Lémanique PS, University of Lausanne, Center for Integrative Genomics

pollination JB

Community Ecology

Networks of species interactions and biodiversity

Prof. Dr. Jordi Bascompte, Zurich-Basel PSC, University of Zurich, Dept. of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies

Live imaging in root section

Developmental Physiology

Nutrition and development of plants

Prof. Dr. Marie Barberon, Arc Lémanique PS, University of Geneva, Department of Botany and Plant Biology

Jena Experiment

Experimental Plant Ecology

Organization of plant populations and communities

Prof. em. Dr. Bernhard Schmid, Zurich-Basel PSC, University of Zurich, Dept. of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies

damma glacier

Plant Nutrition

Oxygen isotope in phosphate, a new approach to study the soil/plant system

Dr. Federica Tamburini, Zurich-Basel PSC, ETH Zurich, Institute of Agricultural Sciences

heat shock

Heat-Shock Biology and the Mechanisms of Chaperone Actions

Perception of stress and the mechanisms of molecular chaperones

Prof. em. Dr. Pierre Goloubinoff, Arc Lémanique PS, University of Lausanne, Department of Plant Molecular Biology


Plant Development

Phloem development and function

Dr. Elisabeth Truernit, Zurich-Basel PSC, ETH Zurich, Institute of Molecular Plant Biology

EM Arabidopsis thaliana leaf surface


Phyllosphere microbiome

Prof. Dr. Julia Vorholt, Zurich-Basel PSC, ETH Zurich, Institute of Microbiology

Medusagyne oppositifolia Ghazoul

Conservation biology

Plant-animal interactions and ecosystem function

Prof. Dr. Jaboury Ghazoul, Zurich-Basel PSC, ETH Zurich, Institute of Terrestrial Ecosystems

Tomato leaf diversity Simon Aeschbacher UZH

Population Genomics

Plant adaptation and speciation in the face of gene flow

Dr. Simon Aeschbacher, Zurich-Basel PSC, University of Zurich, Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies

Soil-borne pathogens attack plant roots and cause significant yield losses. image: Pascale Flury UniBas

Plant-Microbe Interactions

Plant-beneficial rhizobacteria

Dr. Pascale Flury, Zurich-Basel PSC, University of Basel, Department of Environmental Sciences

insect microarrays

Molecular Studies of Plant-Insect Interactions

Plant defenses against insects

Prof. Dr. Philippe Reymond, Arc Lémanique PS, University of Lausanne, Department of Plant Molecular Biology


Plant Developmental Biology

Plant developmental biology

Prof. Dr. Cris Kuhlemeier, BeNeFri, University of Bern, Institute of Plant Sciences

exp plot

Plant Genome Evolution and Diversification

Plant ecological genomics

Prof. Dr. Christian Parisod, BeNeFri, University of Fribourg, Department of Biology

experimental garden

Plant Ecology

Plant ecology

Prof. Dr. Markus Fischer, BeNeFri, University of Bern, Institute of Plant Sciences


Functional Genomics

Plant genetic networks – from databases to computational modeling

Prof. em. Dr. Wilhelm Gruissem, Zurich-Basel PSC, ETH Zurich, Institute of Molecular Plant Biology

mais alps

Crop Science

Plant growth and phenotyping

Prof. Dr. Achim Walter, Zurich-Basel PSC, ETH Zurich, Institute of Agricultural Sciences

Set-up for signal measurements

Plant Molecular Biology

Plant molecular biology

Prof. Dr. Edward Farmer, Arc Lémanique PS, University of Lausanne, Department of Plant Molecular Biology


Plant Pathology

Plant pathology

Prof. Dr. Monika Maurhofer, Zurich-Basel PSC, ETH Zurich, Institute of Integrative Biology

Farmer Harvesting egypt

Plant Biochemistry

Plant primary metabolism – From basic research to crop productivity

Prof. Dr. Samuel C. Zeeman, Zurich-Basel PSC, ETH Zurich, Institute of Molecular Plant Biology

An experimental population of Lewisia columbiana in the Wallowa Mountains, Oregon, USA

Plant evolution and systematics

Plant reproductive diversity across lineages and environments

Dr. Jurriaan M. de Vos, Zurich-Basel PSC, University of Basel, Dept of Environmental Sciences

shedding forest

Cell Wall Signaling and Remodeling

Plant signaling mechanisms

Prof. Dr. Julia Santiago Cuellar, Arc Lémanique PS, University of Lausanne, Department of Plant Molecular Biology


Systematics and evolution of plants and fungi

Plant systematics and evolution

Prof. Dr. Michelle Price, Arc Lémanique PS, University of Geneva, Conservatoire et Jardin Botaniques

Botrychium lunaria image: Jason Grant

Plant Systematics and Taxonomy

Plant systematics and taxonomy

Prof. Dr. Jason Grant, BeNeFri, University of Neuchâtel, Institute of Biology

apis dorsata bee coffea robusta

Ecology of Plant Reproduction

Plant-animal interactions and ecosystem function

Prof. Dr. Jaboury Ghazoul, Zurich-Basel PSC, ETH Zurich, Institute of Terrestrial Ecosystems


Environmental History

Plants and society

PD Dr. Marcus Hall, Zurich-Basel PSC, University of Zurich, Dept. of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies

Arabidopsis kamchatica ecotypes

Evolutionary Genomics

Polyploidization and stress response in plants

Dr. Rie Shimizu-Inatsugi, Zurich-Basel PSC, University of Zurich, Dept. of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies


Plant Pathology

Population genetics and evolutionary biology of plant pathogenic fungi

Prof. Dr. Bruce McDonald, Zurich-Basel PSC, ETH Zurich, Institute of Integrative Biology

Forest canopy

Conservation biology

Protecting biodiversity in a changing world

Prof. Dr. Clara Zemp, BeNeFri, University of Neuchâtel, Institute of Biology

Dual-colour live imaging of receptor kinase nanoclusters at the plasma membrane Cyril Zipfel

Plant Signaling

Receptor kinase-mediated plant sensing

Prof. Dr. Cyril Zipfel, Zurich-Basel PSC, University of Zurich, Dept of Plant and Microbial Biology

Mycorrhiza In Petunia

Molecular Plant-Microbe interactions, Plant Nutrition

Regulation of growth, nutrition, and symbiosis in plants

PD Dr. Didier Reinhardt, BeNeFri, University of Fribourg, Department of Biology


Molecular Genetics of Plant Development

Regulatory factors controlling cell wall formation

Prof. Dr. Christoph Ringli, Zurich-Basel PSC, University of Zurich, Department of Plant and Microbial Biology

growth chamber

Physiological Plant Ecology

Responses of plants and ecosystems to global environmental change

Prof. Dr. Ansgar Kahmen, Zurich-Basel PSC, University of Basel, Dept. of Environmental Sciences – Botany


RNA biology

RNA biology

Prof. Dr. Olivier Voinnet, Zurich-Basel PSC, ETH Zurich, Institute of Molecular Plant Biology

The role of metabolites in plant-microbe interactions remains largely unknown

Molecular Plant Microbe Interactions

Root-microbe interactions

Prof. Dr. Joëlle Sasse Schläpfer, Zurich-Basel PSC, University of Zurich, Department of Plant and Microbial Biology

root microbiota

Plant-Microbe Interactions

Root microbiome

Prof. Dr. Klaus Schlaeppi, PSC, University of Basel, Departement of Environmental Sciences

Erb white grub

Molecular and Chemical Plant-Herbivore Interactions

Secondary metabolites in plant-herbivore interactions

Prof. Dr. Matthias Erb, BeNeFri, University of Bern, Institute of Plant Sciences

Lab work. Image: Astrid Eckert, TUM, Munich

Plant-microbe Interactions

Sensing and adaptation of bacteria in plants

Prof. Dr. Stefanie Ranf, BeNeFri, University of Fribourg, Department of Biology


Molecular Genetics and Plant Cell Biology

Signaling peptides in plant adaptation to abiotic stresses

Dr. Ora Hazak, BeNeFri, University of Fribourg, Department of Biology


Spatial Ecology

Spatial modelling of plants species distribution

Prof. Dr. Antoine Guisan, Arc Lémanique PS, University of Lausanne, Department of Ecology and Evolution


Structural Biology & Cell Biology & Genetics

Structural plant biology

Prof. Dr. Michael Hothorn, Arc Lémanique PS, University of Geneva, Department of Botany and Plant Biology

disease symptoms arabidopsis


Structure – function analysis of cutin and the cuticle in Arabidopsis

Dr. Christiane Nawrath, Arc Lémanique PS, University of Lausanne, Department of Plant Molecular Biology

plant root amf

Plant Soil Interactions

Symbiosis and soil biodiversity as a driver of plant growth and ecosystem functioning

Prof. Dr. Marcel Van der Heijden, Zurich-Basel PSC, University of Zurich, Dept. of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies

birnengitterrost auf wacholder

Systematic Mycology

Systematic mycology

PD Dr. Reinhard Berndt, Zurich-Basel PSC, ETH Zurich, Institute of Integrative Biology

Harvest field trial

Plant Molecular Biology

The cereal genomes: hidden treasures for evolutionary genomics and agronomy

Prof. Dr. Beat Keller, Zurich-Basel PSC, University of Zurich, Department of Plant and Microbial Biology


Molecular Genetics & Natural Genetic Variation

The molecular basis of plant growth & development

Prof. Dr. Christian Hardtke, Arc Lémanique PS, University of Lausanne, Department of Plant Molecular Biology

heatmap gene expression

Plant Molecular Physiology and Biochemistry

The role of carbon metabolism in drought stress tolerance

PD Dr. Diana Santelia, Zurich-Basel PSC, ETH Zurich, Institute of Integrative Biology


Molecular Plant Physiology

Transport of organic nitrogen in plants and parasitic protozoa

Prof. Dr. Doris Rentsch, BeNeFri, University of Bern, Institute of Plant Sciences


Tree ecophysiology

Tree carbon relations

PD Dr. Günter Hoch, Zurich-Basel PSC, University of Basel, Dept. of Environmental Sciences – Botany

field experiment Kessler

Tropical Plant Biodiversity and Biogeography

Tropical plant biodiversity and biogeography

PD Dr. Michael Kessler, Zurich-Basel PSC, University of Zurich, Department of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany

gentiana alpina grandes rousses

Understanding plant speciation and diversification patterns

Dr. Yamama Naciri, Arc Lémanique PS, University of Geneva, Department of Botany and Plant Biology


Plant Cell Biology

Understanding spatial accommodating responses during plant development

Prof. Dr. Joop Vermeer, BeNeFri, University of Neuchâtel, Institute of Biology


Spatial Ecology

Understanding the dynamic of biological landscapes

Prof. Dr. Loïc Pellissier, Zurich-Basel PSC, ETH Zurich, Institute of Terrestrial Ecosystems

Field site above Zermatt

Plant Ecological Genetics

Understanding the genetic basis of ecological and evolutionary processes

Prof. Dr. Alex Widmer, Zurich-Basel PSC, ETH Zurich, Institute of Integrative Biology

hptlc supplementary UV-B

Plant Molecular Biology

UV-B perception and signalling in plants

Prof. Dr. Roman Ulm, Arc Lémanique PS, University of Geneva, Department of Botany and Plant Biology

B6 deficient plant

Plant Biochemistry and Physiology

Vitamin metabolism and its relations to environmental stress

Prof. Dr. Teresa Fitzpatrick, Arc Lémanique PS, University of Geneva, Department of Botany and Plant Biology

burkholderia invades arabidopsis

Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions

Volatile organic compounds-mediated plant-microbe communication

Dr. Aurélien Bailly, Zurich-Basel PSC, University of Zurich, Department of Plant and Microbial Biology

Volatile-mediated impact

Plant-microbe Interactions, Phytopathology, Microbiology

Volatile-mediated impact of bacteria on plants

Prof. Dr. Laure Weisskopf, BeNeFri, University of Fribourg, Department of Biology