
Photo by James Baltz on Unsplash

When it comes to food, less is often more

For Achim Walter, it’s time we take responsibility for what we eat. As consumers, we have a right to demand a food system that serves the environment, promotes health and protects those in less affluent circumstances. In the middle of the…
smiling SwissPLANT 2022 participants

SwissPLANT 2022 meeting held in summer

Group leaders and senior scientists met in person for the annual SwissPLANT conference to present latest findings and to get an overview of current research advances in plant biology in Switzerland. The meeting is an excellent opportunity…
embryonic mutant

Sara Simonini – New member of the Swiss Society of Plant Biology

The Swiss Society of Plant Biology welcomes its new member Prof. Sara Simonini. Visit her personal research portfolio Canonical and non-canonical epigenetic regulation of embryogenesis. Sara received a SNF PRIMA grant in plant molecular…
Blick über die Schweizer Alpen, vom Pischahorn in Richtung der Gipfelgruppe der Plattenhörner. (Foto: Sabine Rumpf)

The consequences of climate change in the Alps are visible from space

Global warming has a particularly pronounced impact on the Alpine region. Like the Arctic, this European mountain range is becoming greener. Using satellite data, researchers show that vegetation above the tree line has increased in almost…
Landschaft mit Wollgras

Ein Lebensnetz für Natur und Mensch

Wir Menschen nutzen die Leistungen der biologischen Vielfalt täglich: Beim atmen, essen, wohnen, arbeiten und entspannen. Doch in der Schweiz ist ein Drittel von rund 11'000 untersuchten Arten gefährdet – und damit auch die Leistungen der…
Sun through trees

18 May 2022 – International Fascination of Plants Day

The world is celebrating the Fascination of Plants Day 2022. For this purpose numerous interactive events around the theme of plants are offered to the public. This special day focuses on the essential role of plant science to society. The…
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Regenerative agriculture in Europe – new publication

A critical analysis of contributions to European Union Farm to Fork and Biodiversity Strategies. Agriculture is the main driver of global deforestation and land conversion, and food systems account for more than a third of global…
euresearch logo

Horizon Europe Info Day – Funding Opportunities for Switzerland

The annual Euresearch event will take place in Bern on 14 June 2022! The Horizon Europe Info Day – Funding Opportunities for Switzerland is a unique occasion to learn more about the advantages that Swiss based researchers and innovators…
Study setup with the experimental ecosystems. Image: Matt Barbour

A single gene controls species diversity in an ecosystem

To test if a single gene could affect an entire ecosystem, a research team of the University of Zurich conducted a lab experiment with a plant and its associated ecosystem of insects. They found that plants with a mutation at a specific…
Bepflanzung der Blumenuhr. Foto Katja Rembold

«Viertel vor Enzian» im Botanischen Garten Bern: Können Blumen die Zeit anzeigen?

Bereits vor knapp 300 Jahren beobachtete der schwedische Botaniker Carl von Linné, dass einige Pflanzenarten ihre Blüten zu bestimmten Tages- und Nachtzeiten öffnen und schliessen. Lässt sich daran die Zeit ablesen? Ein interdisziplinäres…