Understanding spatial accommodating responses during plant development
Plant Cell Biology
Osmotically-driven turgor pressure of plant cells can be higher than that of a car tire. It puts tremendous forces onto cell walls and drives changes in cell shape. This has given rise to unique mechanisms to control organ formation in comparison to metazoans. The fascinating interplay between forces and local cellular reorganization is poorly understood. Growth of lateral roots is a prominent example of a developmental process in which mechanical forces between neighboring cells are generated. Lateral roots grow from a single cell layer that resides deep within the primary root. On its way out, lateral roots grow through the overlying endodermal, cortical and epidermal cell layers. We recently demonstrated that endodermal cells actively accommodate lateral root formation. Responses include a dramatic volume loss and a controlled degradation of their lignin-based paracellular diffusion barrier. The lateral root system provides a unique opportunity to elucidate the molecular and cellular mechanisms how mechanical forces and intercellular communication regulate spatial accommodation during plant development.
Research topics
- Lateral root development
- Cell volume regulation
- Mechanosensing
- Development
- Cell biology
Recent Publications
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Current Biology 10.1016/j.cub.2020.08.041 OCT 19 2020 - Translating Ribosome Affinity Purification (TRAP) to Investigate Arabidopsis thaliana Root Development at a Cell Type-Specific Scale
Thellmann, Martha; Andersen, Tonni Grube; Vermeer, Joop E. M.
Jove-journal Of Visualized Experiments 10.3791/60919 MAY 2020 - Geometric cues forecast the switch from two- to three-dimensional growth in Physcomitrella patens
Tang, Han; Duijts, Kilian; Bezanilla, Magdalena; Scheres, Ben; Vermeer, Joop E. M.; et al.
New Phytologist DOI: 10.1111/nph.16276, MAR 2020 - Cytoskeleton Dynamics Are Necessary for Early Events of Lateral Root Initiation in Arabidopsis
Barro, AV; Stockle, D; Thellmann, M; Ruiz-Duarte, P; Bald, L; Louveaux, M; von Bom, P; Denninger, P; Goh, T; Fukaki, H; Vermeer, JEM; Maizel, A
CURRENT BIOLOGY, 29 (15):2443-+; 10.1016/j.cub.2019.06.039 AUG 5 2019 - The role of plant root systems in evolutionary adaptation
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Edited by: Grossniklaus U
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Prof. Dr. Joop Vermeer
University of Neuchâtel
Institute of Biology
2000 Neuchâtel
Phone: +41 32 718 2100
- Arabidopsis functional genomics
- Live cell imaging
- Computational morphodynamics
- Greengate cloning