
Auch die Schweizer Landwirtschaft ist auf Fortschritt angewiesen
Um unsere Landwirtschaft ökologischer und widerstandsfähiger zu machen, ist eine moderne und leistungsfähige Züchtungsforschung unabdingbar, sagt Wilhelm Gruissem, Professor für Pflanzenbiotechnologie an der ETH Zürich im ETH Zurich…First Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Landscape Ecology
ETH Zurich and the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL) just published the first Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Landscape Ecology. Is stems from a collaborative effort of leading landscape ecologists…
Future distribution of insect pests
ETH and Agroscope researchers are modelling where insect pests will strike next. This helps agriculture to stay ahead of potential invaders and plan protective measures. The research is being carried out by SPWS member Loïc Pellissier,…
How the forest copes with summer heat
Between April and August this year, Switzerland and central Europe have experienced the driest summer season since 1864. Especially the forest seems to suffer from this dry spell: As early as August, trees began to turn brown this year. A…
The wheat genome is five times bigger than the human genome
Scientists at the University of Zurich, together with international research partners, have finalized the sequencing of the complete genome of common wheat. It is the result of a 13-year international collaboration by the International…
Species-rich forests better compensate environmental impacts
To offset CO2 emissions, China is reforesting. Much more carbon could be stored, if a mixture of tree species instead of monocultures were planted. An international team including UZH researchers has shown that species-rich forest…
Maispflanzen bereiten sich ihr eigenes Verderben
Im Kampf um Eisen entscheidet sich das Schicksal von Wirtspflanze und Schädling: Maispflanzen scheiden Stoffe in den Boden aus, die Eisen binden und so das Wachstum der Pflanzen steigern. Der Maiswurzelbohrer, der weltweit schlimmste…
Im Hightec-Wald von Hölstein
In einem einzigartigen Experiment erforscht ein Team der Uni Basel in Hölstein während der nächsten 20 Jahre die Auswirkungen des Klima-Wandels auf den Wald. Welche Bäume überleben auch, wenn es immer trockener wird, und welche nicht? Der…
SNSF Advanced Researchers’ Day: Register now!
On 19 September 2018, the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) will welcome advanced researchers from all over Switzerland to its headquarters in Bern. Registration is open now! …