Michael Hothorn receives an ERC Consolidator Grant
The Swiss Plant Science Web congratulates its member Prof Michael Hothorn. He just received a 2018 ERC Consolidator Grant for his project INSPIRE, System-wide discovery and analysis of inositol LS1 pyrophosphate signaling networks in…Neue gentechnische Verfahren: Bundesrat prüft Anpassung der rechtlichen Regelung
Nouvelles technologies génétiques: le Conseil fédéral examine une adaptation de la législation Der Bundesrat hat an seiner Sitzung vom 30. November 2018 die neusten Entwicklungen in der Biotechnologie behandelt, welche Änderungen des…
Forests offer more than timber – New tool identifies drivers of ecosystem service trade-offs
Most European forests are primarily used for timber production. In addition, woodlands offer spaces for recreation and they store carbon. It is not clear how forests can be managed for these multiple benefits. A new study under the…
Include short-term perspective in UN Climate Change negotiations
Today the 24th UN Climate Change Conference begins in Katowice, Poland. Participants will discuss the practical implementation of the Paris Agreement, known as the “rulebook”. Climate experts argue that in order to avoid dangerous…
Surviving drought - Trockenheit überleben - Survivre à la sécheresse
Tree physiologist Leonie Schönbeck studies how trees take up and store energy, and how they use their reserves to recover from drought. Portrait of a PhD project carried out by Leonie Schönbeck at WSL. She is a PhD candidate at the…Les plantes jouent avec leur croissance dans leur course au soleil
Les plantes se livrent une compétition acharnée pour optimiser leur accès à la lumière. Lorsque la densité végétale est forte, plusieurs stratégies sont mises en place. Parmi elles, la réallocation des ressources qui permet à la plante de…