The Swiss Plant Science Web held its annual SPSW Symposium «SwissPLANT» from 31 January – 2 February 2018 in Meiringen.

The conference is open to group leaders of the Swiss Plant Science Web. Each research group is encouraged to be represented by its group leader or a deputy.

Participants get an overview of current research advances in plant sciences in Switzerland. The meeting is an excellent opportunity to interact and network with peer plant scientists.

The 2018 scientific program committee is composed of these SPSW members: 

Organizer and contact: Sylvia Martínez, Swiss Plant Science Web

Venue and Schedule

  • Parkhotel du Sauvage | Bahnhofstrasse 30, 3860 Meiringen | Haslital. Berner Oberland | Switzerland,
  • Start: Wednesday, 31 January, 17:00h (15:30h Strategic Meeting for SPSW members)
  • End: Friday, 2 February, 12:00h

conference booklet cover

Conference booklet with abstracts and program