
Bauhin conference Basel

400 Years Botanical Collections – Conference

Bauhin symposium, Basel University, Basel, Switzerland, 15-16 September 2022 Register An ever widening array of research disciplines require access to plant specimens preserved in herbaria, because they provide data calibrated in absolute…
Cassava mosaic disease

Resistance to mosaic disease explained

Researchers from ETH Zurich, the United States and Uganda have identified the gene responsible for resistance in certain cassava cultivars against the devastating cassava mosaic disease. This is an important step for breeding…
Lab work. Image: Astrid Eckert, TUM, Munich

Stefanie Ranf – New member of the Swiss Society of Plant Biology

The Swiss Society of Plant Biology welcomes its new member Prof. Stefanie Ranf. Visit her personal research portfolio Sensing and adaptation of bacteria in plants Stefanie Ranf is full professor in Plant Science at the University of…
forest canopy

Clara Zemp – New member of the Swiss Society of Plant Biology

The Swiss Society of Plant Biology welcomes its new member Prof. Clara Delphine Zemp. Visit her personal research portfolio Protecting biodiversity in a changing world. Clara Zemp is assistant professor of Conservation Biology and she…
Sommerweizen, Beat Keller UZH

Widerständiger Weizen

Dank der grünen Gentechnik kann die Ernährung gesichert werden, ist Pflanzenbiologe Beat Keller überzeugt. Etwa mit Weizen, der aufgrund gentechnischer Veränderungen gegen Mehltau resistent ist. Beat Keller, Professort an der Universität…
View on the Piz Bernina range. Sabine Rumpf Uni Basel

Sabine Rumpf – New member of the Swiss Society of Plant Biology

The Swiss Society of Plant Biology welcomes its new member Prof. Sabine Rumpf. Visit her personal research portfolio Alpine and arctic plant ecology. Sabine Rumpf is professor of Ecology and chairs a research group in the Department of…
Western Australia

Drought-exposure history improves recovery of grassland communities from subsequent drought

When a plant community is exposed to drought, the different species undergo evolutionary changes. An international study with UZH participation now shows that this leads to improved resilience to future drought stress over time. Mixtures…

Biodiversität – schön und dringend gebraucht

Eine hohe biologische Vielfalt ist nicht nur schön, sie ist auch wichtig. ETH-Wissenschaftler erforschen die Grundlagen dazu, wie sich die Vielfalt von Arten und Genen entwickelt und wozu wir Menschen diese Vielfalt dringend brauchen. …

Consuelo De Moraes receives SNSF Advanced Grant

Last year, the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) announced Advanced Grants to which established researchers from Swiss universities could apply for funding for a forward-looking, original, significant or even risky project. Of the…
Ueli Grossniklaus UZH

In the beginning was the popcorn

Genetically modified crops could contribute to making agriculture more sustainable and productive, says Ueli Grossniklaus. This new green genetic engineering has so far met with skepticism – but the challenges of climate change and the…