
Frühlingsfest & Tag der offenen Forschungstür im Botanischen Garten der Universität Zürich
Frühlingsfest am Sonntag, 29. April 2018 von 11 bis 17 UhrDas Thema zum Frühlingsfest 2018 lautet "Sprossen und Knospen".Viele Attraktionen und Informationen erwarten Sie. Detailprogramm ab 19. April auf Wie kann man…2018 Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA): training and workshops for individual fellowships
Information Events, Trainings and Workshops for individual fellowships for 2018 Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Early preparation is essential. Euresearch offers the following events related to Marie Sklodowska-Curie…Kurse Umweltrecht
Die Weiterbildung Umweltrecht besteht aus einem modular aufgebauten Lehrgang von insgesamt 10 Tagen sowie frei wählbaren Einzelmodulen.Sie wurde für alle Praktiker und Praktikerinnen konzipiert, die Projekte verantworten oder begleiten, die…Um die Schweizer Moore steht es schlecht
Aus Schweizer Hochmooren entweichen Tausende Tonnen CO2. Dies liesse sich durch deren Renaturierung verhindern. Jetzt wollen Forschende den Prozess vorantreiben. Quellehiggs, 19.04.2018
Summer School: Responsible Research and Innovation in Plant Sciences
Don't miss to apply for the Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center (PSC) 2018 Summer School. It offers training on the responsible research and innovation framework (RRI) of the European Union. Students will actively apply the concept to …
Scaling-up efforts to restore forests
We need to seize the opportunity for a unified global response to deforestation, land degradation, and climate change, says Jaboury Ghazoul. This blog was written collaboratively by SPSW member Jaboury Ghazoul and Nicole Kalas (Ecosystem…
Why rare plants are rare
Rare plant species suffer more from disease than more common species. The fact that rare species are more susceptible to attack by micro-organisms living in the soil, such as fungi and bacteria, may in fact be one of the reasons they are…Summer School 2018 – Plant epigenetics and epigenomics
July 8-13, 2018 - Centre Port Royal, Saint-Lambert (France) The Saclay Plant Science (SPS) Summer School 2018 is a one-week programme for outstanding and enthusiastic Master's and PhD students, as well as young post-docs, who want to…