Scaling-up efforts to restore forests

Beinn Eighe National Nature Reserve in Scotland ghazoul

Forest restoration often seeks to recover past forest states with a conservation objective, as is the case here at Beinn Eighe National Nature Reserve in Scotland, but such objectives might not be universally shared. (Image: Jaboury Ghazoul / ETH Zurich)

We need to seize the opportunity for a unified global response to deforestation, land degradation, and climate change, says Jaboury Ghazoul.

This blog was written collaboratively by SPSW member Jaboury Ghazoul and Nicole Kalas (Ecosystem Management, ETH Zurich) with contributions from Latsis Symposium invited speakers.

Read the complete ETH Zurich Zukunftsblog on Sustainability, entry of 17 April 2018

Latsis Symposium 2018 website