Call for papers: Mountain Biodiversity and Sustainable Development
Mountain Research and Development is looking for papers that present validated insights into ways of managing mountain (agro)biodiversity so that it contributes to human wellbeing. Manuscripts should analyze interlinkages between mountain…SCNAT creates the largest knowledge network on the landscape
Sprawl, loss of landscape diversity and biodiversity, mountain landscapes marked by climate change: Starting in 2019, the Academy of Natural Sciences (SCNAT) is merging various of its activities in the new Landscape, Alps, Parks Forum.The…
Gräser können sich ohne Evolution anpassen
Um sich an die Umwelt anzupassen, übernehmen Gräser bestimmte Gene von verwandten Arten – und dies auf direktem Weg von Pflanze zu Pflanze, ohne Evolution über mehrere Generationen. Dies zeigt eine neue Studie unter Mitarbeit von…
Science Europe publishes its recommendations for research data management
Science Europe has published recommendations on research data management (RDM). As a member of Science Europe, the SNSF supports this initiative. SourceSNF eNewsletter
Alpine Plant Ecology Summer School 2019
Alpine Plant Ecology – Summer School on Alpine Plant Life14-20 July 2019Central Alps, Switzerland Lecturers Erika Hiltbrunner, Christian Körner, Univ. Basel Jake Alexander, Univ. Lausanne ContentThis graduate course is offered by the…Promoting talents and new ideas for food systems of the future
ETH Zurich and EPFL, in cooperation with longstanding Swiss industry partners Bühler, Givaudan and Nestlé, launch the Future Food Initiative. The initiative promotes innovative research approaches for sustainable food production. A select…
SwissPLANT 2019
Senior plant scientists – members of the Swiss Plant Science Web – meet in Meiringen for the 3-day SwissPLANT 2019 conference to share and discuss current advances in plant biology research in Switzerland.
Wheat Resistance Gene also Protects Corn and Barley against Fungal Disease
Plant researchers at the University of Zurich have developed transgenic corn and barley lines with improved resistance against several fungal diseases thanks to the wheat resistance gene Lr34. Following successful tests in the greenhouse,…
Fascination of Plants Day – 18 May 2019
The fifth international “Fascination of Plants Day” is being launched by plant scientists across the world under the umbrella of the European Plant Science Organisation (EPSO). The goal of this activity is to get as many people as…