
meristem maturation sebastian soyk

Sebastian Soyk – New Swiss Plant Science Web member

The Swiss Plant Science Web welcomes its new member Prof. Sebastian Soyk. Visit his personal SPSW research portfolio Genetic control of plant architecture. He chairs a research group in the Center for Integrative Genomics of the University…

International Scholarship Program, Toronto University, Canada

The Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship Program at the University of Toronto is intended to recognize international students who demonstrate exceptional academic achievement and creativity and who are recognized as leaders within…

Mit Mistgabel und Drohne

Mit Smart Farming ist die Landwirtschaft im Big-Data-Zeitalter angekommen: Drohnen, Roboter und eine intelligente Bildverarbeitung sollen Effizienz und Nachhaltigkeit auf Bauernhöfen steigern. Davon könnte die kleinräumige Landwirtschaft…
response slogan

RESPONSE PhD positions available

The RESPONSE Doctoral Program is currently offering 8 PhD positions (early-stage researcher) for 36 months (100%) each. Work at the interface of science & policy, and of science & innovation at ETH Zurich, University of Zurich or the…
beans being sold in the market

Advanced breeding paves the way for disease-resistant beans

ETH Zurich researchers are involved in the development and implementation of a method to efficiently breed for disease-resistant beans in different regions of the world. Their work will help to improve the livelihood and food security of…

Genome Editing – Expert study

Latest methods in the field of genetic engineering enable the modification of genetic material in a significantly more precise way than in the past. It gives rise to a breakthrough for numerous applications in the areas of medicine, animal…

Ecosystems under pressure – Rigi Workshop for PhD students

Do you want to increase your knowledge in the fields of agriculture, forestry and conservation biology under global change? Do you want to develop your scientific network and to discuss your research with other PhD students and scientists…

Alexander von Humboldt sämtliche Schriften (Berner Ausgabe)

Alexander von Humboldt (1769–1859) ist ein faszinierender Forscher, dessen Aktualität wiederentdeckt wird. Dank seines kreativen Denkansatzes gelang es ihm, verschiedene Formen des Wissens zusammenzubringen und neue fächerübergreifende…
Bauhin Anemone alpina

Botanical Time Travel – Reconstructing extinct worlds using herbarium specimens, blog post

“So, how long are you guys keeping this junk?” a good friend of mine asked me, when I showed him a random herbarium specimen a few years ago. Basel has one of the world's oldest herbarium collections. Still, the uninitiated may be…

Gentechnologie! Und Sie?

Genscheren, CRISPR/Cas9, Genomeditierung: Innovationen in der Gentechnologie erhalten zurzeit viel Beachtung. Aber werden sie auch unseren Alltag in der Schweiz beeinflussen? Welche Chancen, Grenzen, Risiken und ethischen Dimensionen sind…