
Artenvielfalt im Boden

Prof. Marcel van der Heijden spricht am Radio zur Bedeutung der Vielfalt an Lebewesen im Boden. Das Gespräch steht im Zusammenhang mit dem globalen Tag des unterirdischen Lebens. Marcel van der Heijden ist Mitglied des Swiss Plant Science…
forest mali maeder

Faster tree growth leads to lower longevity and forest C storage

Rising carbon dioxide levels stimulate faster tree growth, but it does not translate into more long-term carbon storage in forests. Authors analyzed tree rings of living and relict tree covering more than 2000 years at undisturbed…
Boletus edulis Adrian Leuchtmann ETHZ

Altitude record for porcini mushrooms

ETH researchers have discovered Boletus edulis (porcini mushrooms) growing at an elevation of over 2,400 metres in the Lower Engadine (Grison, Switzerland) – the highest altitude ever recorded for these popular edible mushrooms in the Alps.…

Tim McLaren – New Swiss Plant Science Web member

The Swiss Plant Science Web welcomes its latest member Dr. Timothy McLaren (Institute of Agriculture, ETH Zurich). Visit his personal SPSW research portfolio The chemical nature and cycling of nutrients in the environment. > The Swiss…

Ora Hazak – New Swiss Plant Science Web member

The Swiss Plant Science Web welcomes its new member Dr. Ora Hazak. Visit her personal SPSW research portfolio Signaling peptides in plant adaptation to abiotic stresses. She chairs a research group in the Department of Biology of the…
Einstein Sendung Titel

Geniale Gewächse

Pflanzen haben weder Nasen, Augen oder Ohren. Trotzdem nehmen sie ihre Umgebung präzise wahr und reagieren aktiv auf Umwelteinflüsse. Das SRF Wissensmagazin «Einstein» zeigt überraschende Sinnesleistungen von Pflanzen und stellt die…

Julia Vorholt, ETH Zurich – elected EMBO Member

Prof. Dr. Julia Vorholt was elected an EMBO Member. She joins a group of 1800 outstanding life science researchers in Europe and around the world. EMBO will formally welcome its new Members and Associate Members at the annual Members’…
Butterflies on truck radiator grilles

Racing through the tropical rainforest

While forestry is the main reason for road building in the Congo Basin, not all roads result in deforestation. The decisive factor is how they’re used, writes Fritz Kleinschroth in an ETH Zurich Sustainability blog. In their Nature…

Domino Effect of Species Extinctions Also Damages Biodiversity

The mutual dependencies of many plant species and their pollinators mean that the negative effects of climate change are exacerbated. As UZH researchers show, the total number of species threatened with extinction is therefore considerably…
cloud forest ecuador

What’s gone wrong with biodiversity conservation? Early career essay competition

The Luc Hoffmann Institute is working in partnership with ETH Zürich, Future Earth, Nature Sustainability, University of Cambridge Conservation Research Institute, University College London Centre for Biodiversity and Environment Research…