
alpine plant life summer school 2022

Alpine Plant Ecology Summer School 2022

Registration open for the 2022 Summer School on Alpine Plant Life to be held in the Swiss Alps. Alpine Plant Ecology – Summer School on Alpine Plant Life 17-23 July 2022, Central Alps, Switzerland Lecturers Erika Hiltbrunner…

Highly cited researchers 2021

Congratulations to the Swiss Plant Science Web members who are listed as highly cited researchers in 2021! Each year the Web of Science publishes a list recognizing the world-class researchers. They are selected for their exceptional…
biology22 banner

Biology22 conference, Call for abstracts and registration

Biology22 is the largest conference on organismic biology in Switzerland. It provides an important platform for academic exchange, especially among junior researchers (Master students, PhD students and postdoctoral fellows) affiliated to a…
field jan kroon pexels

Agriculture durable: nouvelle offre de formation continue en ligne

L’Institut de biologie de l’Université de Neuchâtel, en collaboration avec le CABI à Delémont (JU), renouvelle sa formation continue en gestion intégrée des cultures dès 2022. Il s’agit de formations en ligne, modulables en emploi et…

Technical feasibility of sustainable fuels production demonstrated

Researchers at ETH Zurich have developed the process technology that can produce carbon-neutral transportation fuels from sunlight and air. Now, in a Nature publication, they demonstrate the stable and reliable operation of the solar…
seedling Luis Lopez Molina Uni Geneva

The young plant’s pantry does more than just feed it

A University of Geneva team has observed that the role of plant tissue – called endosperm – is not only to feed the seed but is crucial for the development and protection of young plants. The endosperm is tissue surrounding the plant…
strawberries (pexels pixabay)

An efficient and low-cost approach to detecting food fraud

Fraudulent practices in food production, especially false claims of geographical origin, cause billions of dollars in economic damage every year. Plant scientists at the University of Basel have developed a model to determine the origin of…
Marcel van der Heijden

«Gleicher Ertrag mit halb soviel Pestizid: Das geht!»

Eine umweltfreundlichere Schweizer Landwirtschaft wäre heute schon möglich: Viele Kulturen lassen sich bei praktisch gleichen Erträgen ohne synthetische Pestizide anbauen. Würden wir weniger Fleisch essen, würde das Umwelt und Klima…

Geologically vibrant continents produce higher biodiversity

Using a new mechanistic model of evolution on Earth, researchers at ETH Zurich can now better explain why the rainforests of Africa are home to fewer species than the tropical forests of South America and Southeast Asia. The key to high…
Jordi Bascompte, University of Zurich ©Bruederli

Prestigious Ramon Margalef Prize awarded to ecologist Jordi Bascompte

Jordi Bascompte, Professor of Ecology at the University of Zurich, was awarded the prestigious Ramon Margalef Prize in recognition of his mathematical work on the description of biological networks. Jordi Bascompte is a member of the Swiss…