
trendwende klima biodiversitaet cover

Trendwende Klima und Biodiversität – Parlament trifft Wissenschaft

Forschende sprachen im Parlament in Bern über die Herausforderungen der Klima- und Biodiversitätskrise. Dabei wurden die Berichte des Weltklimarates und des Weltbiodiversitätsrates vorgestellt. Auf Einladung der Nationalratspräsidentin…
Swiss Biotech report 2022 cover

Innovation starts with basic research

In an interview to Swiss Biotech Report 2022, data scientist Ernst C. Wit explains which factors are important for an innovative country. Switzerland has consistently been the most innovative country in the world over the last eleven…
logo Bauhin2022 conference Basel Switzerland

Call for contributions: Botanical Collections – Implications for Present-Day Research conference

Call for abstracts in disciplines that leverage herbarium specimens. We particularly encourage contributions that make use of specimens in non-standard ways and that push the boundaries of what is currently possible. Bauhin symposium,…

Horizon Europe Info Day – Funding Opportunities for Switzerland

The Horizon Europe Info Day – Funding Opportunities for Switzerland is a unique occasion to learn more about the advantages that Swiss based researchers and innovators can take while applying to the European Framework Programme. You will…

Botanik-Tagung 2022, Bonn: Abstract submission deadline is 14 April

The deadline for the abstract submission expires on 14 April 2022. Botanik-Tagung 2022 – International Conference of the German Society for Plant Sciences 28 August–01 September 2022 | Bonn | Germany Topics • Plant RNA biology • Evolution…
Measuring Station image by M. Barthel ETH Zurich

The Congo tropical forest is different

Until now, research assumed that the vast forest area of the Congo Basin, like other tropical forests, releases large amounts of nitrous oxide and binds methane. Researchers at ETH Zurich have now shown that it behaves differently: Methane…
Matthias Erb

Matthias Erb receives an ERC Consolidator Grant

The Swiss Plant Science Web congratulates its member Matthias Erb, professor at the University of Bern. He has just received an ERC Consolidator Grant for his project CANWAS (Canopy Waves - Volatile Information Transfer Across…
image by Genessa Panainte Unsplash

Swiss Plant Science Web merges with the Swiss Society of Plant Biology

The Swiss Plant Science Web has a new organizational structure. It merges with the Swiss Society of Plant Biology that will lead the association's activities and website. The becomes the website of the Swiss Society…

Bourses «politique et science» pour 2022 / Wissenschaftliche Politikstipendien 2022

La Fondation Bourses politique et science offre à des diplômés des hautes écoles suisses l'occasion de travailler pendant une année pour les Services du Parlement. Par cette mesure, la fondation entend contribuer à promouvoir le dialogue…
jeff schell fellowship 2022

Jeff Schell International Scientific Fellowships in Agricultural Sciences by the Bayer Foundation

The Bayer Foundation is seeking exceptional young scientists who aim to increase the impact of their research and are seeking to build a global scientific network: Master & PhD students from all fields of the natural or data science whose…