Transport of organic nitrogen in plants and parasitic protozoa
Molecular Plant Physiology
Nitrogen is one of the most limiting nutritional factors for plant growth and productivity. Therefore diverse and complex strategies have evolved for the uptake, assimilation and reallocation of nitrogen. Our research focuses on the role of plant transporters involved in the uptake as well as the intra- and intercellular distribution of organic nitrogen. We aim at exploring the biochemical properties of these transporters, their regulation and contribution to plant productivity and yield.
Furthermore, amino acid transport in parasitic protozoa and its role for parasite development and pathogenicity is being investigated.
Recent Publications
- Wheat amino acid transporters highly expressed in grain cells regulate amino acid accumulation in grain
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Plos One, 10.1371/journal.pone.0246763, FEB 2021 - Multi-gene metabolic engineering of tomato plants results in increased fruit yield up to 23%
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Scientific Reports,10.1038/s41598-020-73709-6, OCT 14 2020 - Aluminum incorporation into magnesium silicate hydrate (M-S-H)
Bernard, E.; Lothenbach, B.; Cau-Dit-Coumes, C.; Pochard, I.; Rentsch, D.
Cement And Concrete Research 128, Article Number: 105931, DOI: 10.1016/j.cemconres.2019.105931, FEB 2020 - Stage-specific expression of the proline-alanine transporter in the human pathogen Leishmania
Liburkin-Dan, T; Schlisselberg, D; Fischer-Weinberger, R; Pescher, P; Inbar, E; Ephros, M; Rentsch, D; Spath, GF; Zilberstein, D
MOLECULAR AND BIOCHEMICAL PARASITOLOGY, 222 1-5; JUN 2018 - Transporters of Trypanosoma bruceiphylogeny, physiology, pharmacology
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Giehl, Ricardo F. H.; Laginha, Alberto M.; Duan, Fengying; et al.
MOLECULAR PLANT, 10 (11): 1449-1460 NOV 6 2017 - Ornithine uptake and the modulation of drug sensitivity in Trypanosoma brucei
Macedo, Juan P.; Currier, Rachel B.; Wirdnam, Corina; et al.
FASEB JOURNAL, 31 (10): 4649-4660 OCT 2017 10.1096/fj.201700311R - Arginine and Lysine Transporters Are Essential for Trypanosoma brucei
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Prof. Dr. Doris Rentsch
University of Bern
Institute of Plant Science
3013 Bern
Tel: +41 (0)31 631 49 16
Research topics
- Amino acid and peptide transport
- Uptake and allocation of organic nitrogen
- Stress physiology
- Vacuolar transport processes
- Amino acid transport in parasitic protozoa