Ecology and evolution of plant sexual systems
Current projects in the group address questions concerning transitions between sexual systems and their implications for mating, resource allocation, demography and the evolution of the genome and transcriptome, especially sex chromosomes.
Recent Publications
- Simulated herbivory enhances leaky sex expression in the dioecious herb Mercurialis annua
Villamil, Nora; Li, Xinji; Seddon, Emily; Pannell, John R.
Annals Of Botany DOI10.1093/aob/mcab129 JAN 1 2022 - Linking key dimensions of plant phenotypic diversity. A commentary on: 'Mating systems and life history'
Pannell, John R.
Annals Of Botany 10.1093/aob/mcab023 JUN 4 2021 - High rates of evolution preceded shifts to sex-biased gene expression in Leucadendron, the most sexually dimorphic angiosperms
Scharmann, Mathias; Rebelo, Anthony G.; Pannell, John R.
Elife 10.7554/eLife.67485 NOV 2 2021 - A neutral model for the loss of recombination on sex chromosomes
Jeffries, Daniel L.; Gerchen, Jorn F.; Scharmann, Mathias; Pannell, John R.
Philosophical Transactions Of The Royal Society B-biological Sciences, 10.1098/rstb.2020.0096 AUG 30 2021 - The Scope for Postmating Sexual Selection in Plants
Tonnabel, Jeanne; David, Patrice; Janicke, Tim; Lehner, Arnaud; Mollet, Jean-Claude; et al.
Trends In Ecology & Evolution, DOI10.1016/j.tree.2021.02.013 JUN 2021 - Effects of the Relatedness of Neighbours on Floral Colour
Torices, Ruben; DeSoto, Lucia; Narbona, Eduardo; Gomez, Jose Maria; Pannell, John Richard
Frontiers In Ecology And Evolution 10.3389/fevo.2021.589781 Published: APR 15 2021 - The rapid dissolution of dioecy by experimental evolution
Cossard, Guillaume G.; Gerchen, Jorn F.; Li, Xinji; Cuenot, Yves; Pannell, John R.
Current Biology 10.1016/j.cub.2020.12.028 Published: MAR 22 2021 - Enhanced leaky sex expression in response to pollen limitation in the dioecious plant Mercurialis annua
Cossard, Guillaume G.; Pannell, John R.
Journal Of Evolutionary Biology 10.1111/jeb.13720 FEB 2021 - The loss of self-incompatibility in a range expansion
Encinas-Viso, Francisco; Young, Andrew G.; Pannell, John R.
Journal Of Evolutionary Biology 10.1111/jeb.13665 SEP 2020 - The role of lateral and vertical herkogamy in the divergence of the blue- an red-flowered lineages of Lysimachia arvensis
Jimenez-Lopez, F. J.; Ortiz, P. L.; Talavera, M.; Pannell, J. R.; Arista, M.
Annals Of Botany 10.1093/aob/mcaa047 JUN 4 2020 - The opposing effects of genetic drift and Haldane's sieve on floral-morph frequencies in tristylous metapopulations
Roux, Camille; Pannell, John R.
NEW PHYTOLOGIST Volume: 224 Issue: 3 Special Issue: SI Pages: 1229-1240 Published: NOV 2019 - The heavy burden of female reproduction. A commentary on: 'Time for a change: patterns of sex expression, health and mortality in a sex-changing tree' Comment
Pannell, John R.
ANNALS OF BOTANY Volume: 124 Issue: 3 Pages: IV-V Published: AUG 16 2019 - YY males of the dioecious plant Mercurialis annua are fully viable but produce largely infertile pollen
Li, Xinji; Veltsos, Paris; Cossard, Guillaume G.; et al.
NEW PHYTOLOGIST Volume: 224 Issue: 3 Special Issue: SI Pages: 1394-1404 Published: NOV 2019 - Early Sex-Chromosome Evolution in the Diploid Dioecious Plant Mercurialis annua
Associated Data
Veltsos, Paris; Ridout, Kate E.; Toups, Melissa A.; et al.
GENETICS Volume: 212 Issue: 3 Pages: 815-835 Published: JUL 2019 - A new biological species in the Mercurialis annua polyploid complex: functional divergence in inflorescence morphology and hybrid sterility
Ma, Wen-Juan; del Blanco, Luis Santos; Pannell, John R.
ANNALS OF BOTANY Volume: 124 Issue: 1 Pages: 165-178 Published: JUN 28 2019 - Pollination elicits an accelerated reduction in nocturnal scent emission by flowers of the dioecious herb Silene latifolia
Martignier, Thomas; Labouche, Anne-Marie; Pannell, John R.
BOTANY Volume: 97 Issue: 9 Pages: 495-502 Published: SEP 2019 - Sexual dimorphism and rapid turnover in gene expression in pre-reproductive seedlings of a dioecious herb
Cossard, Guillaume G.; Toups, Melissa A.; Pannell, John R.
Annals Of Botany, Volume: 123, Issue: 7, Pages: 1119-1131, DOI: 10.1093/aob/mcy183, Published: JUN 4 2019 - A new biological species in the Mercurialis annua polyploid complex: functional divergence in inflorescence morphology and hybrid sterility
Ma, Wen-Juan; del Blanco, Luis Santos; Pannell, John R.
Annals Of Botany, Volume: 124, Issue: 1, Pages: 165-178, DOI: 10.1093/aob/mcz058, Published: JUN 28 2019 - Pollination elicits an accelerated reduction in nocturnal scent emission by flowers of the dioecious herb Silene latifolia
Martignier, T; Labouche, AM; Pannell, JR
BOTANY, 97 (9):495-502; 10.1139/cjb-2018-0217 SEP 2019 - …

Prof. Dr. John Pannell
University of Lausanne
Department of Ecology and Evolution
1015 Lausanne
Research topics
- Evolution of plant gender, sexual dimorphism and sex allocation strategies
- Ecology, genetics and evolution of polyploidy, especially in its interaction with the sexual system
- Evolution of local adaptation, particularly in colonizing plant species
- Ecology and population genetics of metapopulations subject to repeated local extinctions and re-colonisations