Hester Sheehan receives Prix Schläfli award 2018 in Biology
Nightclub visitors know that when they wear white, their clothes take on a special glow in UV light. But it took researchers a long time to realise that plants have a very similar "nightlife": The ways in which the colours of flowers…
IPBES Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Assessment for Europe and Central Asia
The IPBES Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Assessment for Europa and Central Asia was presented to governments and stakeholders in Bern. The report summarizes the state of biodiversity and ecosystems services, and potential policy…
Transporting micronutrients more efficiently
ETH researchers have genetically modified a key variety of rice, making it very efficient at enriching its grains with iron and zinc. A team of researchers led by Navreet Bhullar from the Institute of Molecular Plant Biology at ETH Zurich…La réorganisation du domaine des académies est terminée
Le 1 juin 2018, le Conseil fédéral a approuvé la révision des statuts de l’association Académies suisses des sciences, ce qui conclut la réorganisation du domaine des académies. Cette réorganisation prévoit notamment l’introduction d’un…
Sensoren und Drohnen unterstützen die Landwirtschaft
Landwirtinnen und Landwirte besitzen in der Regel ein gutes Auge für die Betreuung ihrer Pflanzen und Tiere. Meist sind aber nur relative und qualitative Einschätzungen möglich. So erfolgt beispielsweise die Bemessung der Düngegabe aus dem…Peatland protection is efficient climate protection
Globally, peatlands store twenty per cent of all the carbon lying untapped in the soil – despite the fact that they account for less than three per cent of the Earth’s land mass. New findings from Agroscope show that peatland protection is…An Introduction to InforMEA
The United Nations offer an Information Portal on Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) InforMEA provides easy access to information on MEAs. You can consult treaty texts and provisions of decisions and resolutions adopted by…Call for applicants - Country representative YPARD Switzerland
Since 2012, the Swiss chapter of Young Professionals for Agricultural Development (YPARD) is helping to boost youth's participation in agriculture, food, and environmental issues in Switzerland. YPARD Switzerland is seeking a new Country…