Highly cited researchers 2018
This list recognizes world-class researchers selected for their exceptional research performance, demonstrated by production of multiple highly cited papers that rank in the top 1% by citations for field and year in Web of Science. Among…Call: TWAS Research Grants
The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) funds several programmes that provide grants to researchers in some developing countries for specialized equipment, consumable supplies and Master of Science students. Grants are awarded to individual…
Schweiz nutzt naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen schlecht
Die Schweiz nutzt ihre über 60 Millionen Objekte umfassenden, naturwissenschaftlichen Sammlungen schlecht. Gegenwärtig sind nur 17 Prozent der Objekte digital erfasst und damit für wissenschaftliche Auswertungen wirklich zugänglich. Dies…Do we still need field biologists?
Due to digitisation, ecologists are working less and less in the field. Christoph Küffer believes that we should not rely solely on digital data, and puts the case for field research. Christoph Küffer wrote this blog together with Alex…
BOTANICA 09.-12.02.2019
Besuchen Sie in der Zeit vom 09. bis zum 12.02.2019 die BOTANICA Winterveranstaltungen und die Gewächshäuser in den botanischen Gärten der Schweiz. Webseit und Programm
Newsletter of the Centre of Competence in Chemical Ecology (C3E)
The Center of Competence in Chemical Ecology based at the University of Neuchâtel just published its latest newletter edition. The joining of forces has yielded a lot of progress. Many SPSW members are actively involved in this reseach…
Call for nominations of fellows for the assessment of invasive alien species
The IPBES Fellowship Programme targets early career experts who wish to gain experience by participating in the work of IPBES. Selected fellows can take part as authors in the chapter of the assessment they are selected for (see chapters…Gemeinsamer Bericht zur Risikobewertung gentechnisch veränderter Pflanzen
Der Anbau von gentechnisch veränderten Pflanzen ist in der Schweiz aufgrund eines Moratoriums bis 2021 verboten. Einige gentechnisch veränderte Organismen (GVO) sind als Tierfutter und Lebensmittel bewilligt. Nach der letzten Bewilligung…
Tri-National Arabidopsis Meeting (TNAM 2019): Call for abstracts and early-bird registration
Call for abstracts and early-bird registration for the 11th Tri-National Arabidopsis Meeting (TNAM 2019). TNAM regularly brings together plant scientists from Europe and beyond who are interested in all aspects of leading edge basic and…