
Les véritables prairies maigres restent rares
Aujourd’hui, la région de plaine comprend nettement plus de prairies de haute valeur écologique, riches en espèces qu’il y a quinze ans. Les premières évaluations des données de monitoring montrent cependant que, sur de nombreuses surfaces…
Botanical Works of Art
A mysterious set of dazzlingly beautiful glass diapositives was recently discovered in the Botanical Museum of the University of Zurich. In her new book, archaeobotanist Christiane Jacquat presents these botanical pictures for the first…
Wie sinnvoll sind Patente für Pflanzen?
Radiobeitrag: Lassen sich natürliche Pflanzen patentieren? Das heisst Pflanzen, die mit neuartigen Züchtungsverfahren hergestellt werden, sich aber einfacher ernten lassen oder resistenter sind. Beim Europäischen Patentamt in München…
Sound the alarm! How injured plant cells warn their neighbors
All organisms can be injured. But what happens when a plant is injured? How can it heal itself and avoid infections? An international research team from the University of Basel and Ghent University has reported on wound reaction mechanisms…An operon-like transcript has been identified in plants
Operons were thought to be absent in plants. The research group of Michael Hothorn now reports the identification of an operon-like transcript in plants that allows for the concerted expression of a previously unknown cell-cycle regulator…
Call for applications for the PhD School of Life Sciences at the Faculties of Medicine and Science, University of Geneva
The next call for applications to the PhD school of Life Sciences at the Faculties of Medicine and Science at the University of Geneva is now open. Application deadline is 23 April 2019. Interviews will be held from 24–26 June 2019. The…Why we are getting involved
Young people are on a climate strike, and researchers are supporting their cause. Reto Knutti, professor of climate physics at ETH Zurich, discusses an unexpected turn in the climate change debate and the role of science in society. ETH…