
Wheat blast: from its origins in South America to its emergence as a global threat
Wheat blast was first reported in Brazil in 1985. It spread rapidly across the wheat cropping areas of Brazil to become the most important biotic constraint on wheat production in the region. The alarming appearance of wheat blast in…
Organic farming drives sustainable agriculture
Organic production is not a silver bullet, argues Adrian Müller, but it can play an important role in sustainable food systems with the right set of policy interventions. SourceETH Zurich Sustainability Blog by Dr. Adrian Müller …
Call for projects: Microbials – Direct Use of Micro-Organisms
With its initiative, Gebert Rüf Stiftung seeks to generate a significant impact by exploiting the potential and widespread use of microbial resources in health and technology. The program supports innovative and applied projects dealing…Fulbright Grant Program for Student and Scholars
"The Fulbright Program aims to bring a little more knowledge, a little more reason, and a little more compassion into world affairs, and thereby to increase the chance that nations will learn at last to live in peace and friendship." – J.…
Seeds inherit memories from their mother
University of Geneva researchers demonstrate that maternal and environmental control of seed dormancy is regulated by novel epigenetic mechanisms. Seeds remain in a dormant state – a temporary blockage of their germination – as long as…Sylvain Bischof – New Swiss Plant Science Web member
The Swiss Plant Science Web welcomes its new member Prof. Sylvain Bischof. Visit his personal SPSW research portfolio Epigenetic control of gene expression and genome stability. Sylvain Bischof chairs the group on Epigenetics and Chromatin…
Interplay of Pollinators and Pests Influences Plant Evolution
Brassica rapa plants pollinated by bumblebees evolve more attractive flowers. But this evolution is compromised if caterpillars attack the plant at the same time. With the bees pollinating them less effectively, the plants increasingly…
Heilsam, kleidsam, wundersam – Pflanzen im Alltag der Steinzeitmenschen
Heilsam, kleidsam, wundersam – Pflanzen im Alltag der SteinzeitmenschenSabine Karg, Ewald Weber2019. 112 S. mit 173 farb. Abb., 21 x 28 cm, geb. wbg Theiss, Darmstadt. …
Excessive levels of plant protection products in small streams
Two studies by Eawag and the Ecotox Centre have once again shown that surface waters in agricultural catchment areas are heavily contaminated with plant protection products. Concentrations of individual substances persisting for several…