
mixed forest

Silver fir has the potential to thrive under warmer and drier climate

There is growing scientific evidence that silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) has the capacity to cope with future climate change conditions. Authors of a new study published in the European Journal of Forest Research advocate fostering this…

A Novel Perception Mechanism Regulating Important Plant Processes

An international research team has revealed a novel mechanism for the perception of endogenous peptides by a plant receptor. The discovery of this activation mechanism sets a new paradigm for how plants react to internal and external cues.…

European scientists ask the European Parliament and European Commission to reconsider genome editing for agriculture and food production

The current interpretation of the European legislation (case C-528/16) prevents the use of genome editing for sustainable agriculture and food production in the EU. In an Open Statement the European scientific community urges European…

Call for Papers | Mountain Landscapes: Protected Areas, Ecosystem Services, and Future Challenges

The journal Ecosystem Services is calling for papers for a new Special Issue on 'Mountain Landscapes: Protected Areas, Ecosystem Services, and Future Challenges' that aims to address important knowledge gaps in this area. The deadline is…

Science as a career of choice – Global Young Academy: call 2019

The Global Young Academy gives a voice to young scientists around the world. To realise this vision, it develops, connects, and mobilises young talent from six continents. Moreover, it empowers young researchers to lead international,…
branches and bright colors from Pexels

World Bio­di­ver­si­ty Fo­rum 2020: Call for contributions, session and workshop proposals

Extended dead­line for con­tri­bu­tions: 4 August 2019. First of its kind, the World Bio­di­ver­si­ty Fo­rum conference will bring to­geth­er lead­ing re­searchers, ear­ly ca­reer re­searchers, prac­ti­tion­ers, rep­re­sen­ta­tives from…

Pour l'auto-défense des plantes contre les pathogènes

Remplacer les fongicides chimiques déversés dans notre agriculture pour lutter contre des pathogènes par des bactéries issues des plantes elles-mêmes, cʹest le projet singulier initié pour trois ans par lʹUniversité de Fribourg et…

Artenvielfalt im Boden

Prof. Marcel van der Heijden spricht am Radio zur Bedeutung der Vielfalt an Lebewesen im Boden. Das Gespräch steht im Zusammenhang mit dem globalen Tag des unterirdischen Lebens. Marcel van der Heijden ist Mitglied des Swiss Plant Science…
forest mali maeder

Faster tree growth leads to lower longevity and forest C storage

Rising carbon dioxide levels stimulate faster tree growth, but it does not translate into more long-term carbon storage in forests. Authors analyzed tree rings of living and relict tree covering more than 2000 years at undisturbed…
Boletus edulis Adrian Leuchtmann ETHZ

Altitude record for porcini mushrooms

ETH researchers have discovered Boletus edulis (porcini mushrooms) growing at an elevation of over 2,400 metres in the Lower Engadine (Grison, Switzerland) – the highest altitude ever recorded for these popular edible mushrooms in the Alps.…