
Bruno Baur Univ Basel

«Die Idee»: Mission B – Zwischenbilanz nach sieben Monaten

Das Projekt «Mission B» ruft auf zu mehr Biodiversität in der Schweiz. In rund 5700 Projekten wurden die Fläche von etwa 100 Fussballfeldern umgekrempelt. Tausende haben sich bisher an dem Projekt beteiligt. Bruno Baur, Professor für…
Laila the fish video

My Bank - Fish diversity on ocean banks

DRIVEBANKS is a research programme analyzing drivers of fish extinction and colonization on oceanic banks. Its primary objective is to explore drivers of variation and change in species diversity and turnover in marine ecosystems by…

Fading Petunias

Through heat, saline soil or aridity, the environment can directly influence the activity of genes. As the biologist Ueli Grossniklaus has demonstrated, in plants these epigenetic changes can sometimes be inherited. Prof. Ueli…

Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships for foreign scholars and artists for the 2020-2021 academic year

Each year the Swiss Confederation awards Government Excellence Scholarships to promote international exchange and research cooperation between Switzerland and over 180 other countries. Recipients are selected by the awarding body, the…

Fertile Ground

We have to make use of the abundance of nature, says Bernhard Schmid. The environmental scientist is calling for more biodiversity in agriculture, as crop mixtures produce better yields and are more sustainable than monoculture farming…
Tef lodging

Syngenta Stiftung unterstützt Verbesserung der äthiopischen Zwerghirse

Die Basler Syngenta Stiftung für Nachhaltige Landwirtschaft unterstützt das «Tef Improvement Project» unter der Leitung von PD Dr. Zerihun Tadele, Universität Bern. Das Projekt entwickelt bessere Sorten der äthiopischen Getreideart Tef. Es…

Dry run for cropping systems

To safeguard the long-term future of agricultural production in Switzerland, ETH and Agroscope are investigating how resistant the country’s crop­ping systems are to drought. The research team of Prof. Nina Buchman together with…

Flower Walks app

L’application Flower Walks vous permet de partir à la rencontre de près de 1100 espèces de plantes et de 74 milieux naturels le long de 59 parcours dans toute la Suisse. De plus, des informations sur le contexte et les curiosités locales…

IPBES online conference: Underlying causes of biodiversity loss

With reference to notification EM/2019/17 (3 September 2019), IPBES organizes an online conference to seek input for the scoping process for the thematic assessment of the underlying causes of biodiversity loss and the determinants of…

Quantitative Biology, PhD Program at Lausanne University

15 Fully funded PhD studentships in Quantitative Biology The advent of large-throughput data is transforming life sciences into an increasingly quantitative discipline. The University of Lausanne (Switzerland) is at the forefront of this…