
 Photo by Juhasz Imre from Pexels

Let’s talk about system change

It’s 2020 and Christoph Kueffer is now into his fifth year of (almost) not flying. Whereas not flying hasn’t been difficult, talking about social change still is, he asserts. SPSW member Christoph Küffer comments on his way of life and…
 Photo by Jordan Benton from Pexels

Happy New Year

The Swiss Plant Science Web wishes Happy New Year to all its visitors. Spend more time outdoors and enjoy nature.
 Moss, photo by Martinus from Pexels

Producing hydrogen with artificial photosynthesis

Hydrogen is a clean source of electricity, fuel and fertilizer. The problem is that hydrogen still isn’t produced in a sustainable way. This could change since artificial photosynthesis could bring about the needed transformation of the…

Fondation de la Jeune Académie Suisse

Les Académies suisses des sciences fondent la Jeune Académie Suisse et rejoignent un réseau qui connaît un succès mondial. Les jeunes chercheurs ont ainsi la possibilité de réaliser des projets inter- et transdisciplinaires. L’appel…

Microbiomes: A new National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR)

Complex communities of microbes – microbiomes – are essential to humans, animals and plants. Microbiomes usually consist of up to several hundred types of bacteria that interact with each other, with their hosts and with the environment.…
agricultural land, pic by Irina Iriser from Pexels

Agriculture: greater yield through variety?

An experiment has proven that mixtures of different plant species grow better than monocultures. This finding could soon be applied in the agricultural sector. It is the norm that agricultural crops are primarily grown as monocultures…

Call Future Food Fellowship open now

ETH Zurich and EPFL have launched Future Food – A Swiss Research Initiative (“Future Food Initiative”) together with Swiss food industry leaders Bühler, Givaudan and Nestlé as the first partners on board, with the possibility for…
 dartboard image by Engin Akyurt, pexels

Highly cited researchers 2019

This list recognizes world-class researchers selected for their exceptional research performance, demonstrated by production of multiple highly cited papers that rank in the top 1% by citations for field and year in Web of Science. Among…
experimental chambers MGAvdHeijden

Ohne Bakterien und Pilze sähe es auf der Erde aus wie auf dem Mars

Unsere Böden filtern Trinkwasser und lassen Nahrungsmittel wachsen. Diese Leistung können sie jedoch nur vollbringen, weil in ihnen Tausende von Pilz- und Bakterienarten leben, die wie Räder eines Uhrwerks zusammenarbeiten. Das weisen…
Entomopathogenic nematodes, Fadenwurm Uni Bern,  Bild Anouk Guyer

How nematodes outsmart the defenses of pests

The western corn rootworm, one of the world's most damaging maize pests, can use plant defense compounds to defend itself against its own natural enemies, so-called entomopathogenic nematodes. However, the nematodes can become immune…