
Züchtungstechniken cover Publikation SCNAT

Neue Züchtungstechnologien in der Pflanzenforschung: Broschüre und Webseite zu Anwendungsbeispielen

Das Schweizer Parlament hat den Bundesrat beauftragt, eine Zulassungsregelung für Produkte aus neuen Züchtungstechnologien vorzulegen. Eine Vorbedingung für die Zulassung ist, dass diese Produkte der Schweizer Landwirtschaft, der Umwelt…
tree experiment

100 most important questions in plant science

What are the key research priorities that will help tackle the global challenges of climate change, the biodiversity crises and feed a growing population in a sustainable way? Ten years after these priorities were first debated and…
Amorphophallus titanum Ausschnitt Foto: Sylvia Martinez

Grösste Blume der Welt erblüht nach 4 Jahren wieder

Im Botanischen Garten der Universität Zürich beginnt in wenigen Tagen die Titanwurz (Amorphophallus titanum) zu blühen. Dabei handelt es sich um die grösste Blume der Welt! Nach vierjähriger Entwicklungspause öffnet sie sich für nur gerade…
Univ Basel Botanischer Garten Flyer Tropenhauseröffnung Mai 2023

Neues Tropenhaus – Tag der offenen Tür, Samstag, 27. Mai 2023

Es ist soweit, das Tropenhaus des Botanischen Gartens der Universität Basel wird eröffnet. Das im Tropenhaus repräsentierte tropische Ökosystem gehört zu den wichtigsten der Welt und ist für das System Erde von herausragender Bedeutung.…
easac neocorticoids report cover

Neonicotinoids and their substitutes in sustainable pest control – new EASAC publication

The European Commission proposed a new Regulation on the Sustainable Use of Plant Protection Products (PPPs) that will seek to better apply integrated pest management (IPM) and reduce pesticide use and risk. It is part of the Farm to Fork…
Fame Lab Basel semifinals 3 May 2023 pic

FameLab – Talking Science, semi-finals in Basel

Come and support young scientists at the Basel selection for FameLab, the international competition for science communication! Participants have 3 minutes to win the judges and the crowd with a scientific talk that excels for its content,…
Chloroplast image Mayank Sharma, ETHZ

Call for abstracts: Chloroplast Biology 2023 - conference in Zurich

Submit your abstract to the "Chloroplast Biology 2023" conference that will be held 26-27 June 2023 at ETH Zurich, Switzerland. This is a great opportunity for you or your group members to present latest work to an international audience.…

Summer School «PROMOWOOD – Promotion of wood as key element for achieving net zero»

Registration opened for the Summer School «PROMOWOOD – Promotion of wood as key element for achieving net zero» is open. The Summer School will take place from August 19 to 26, 2023 in Davos (Switzerland). The application deadline is May…

Call for abstracts: Annual Meeting GfÖ 2023

The online registration is now open and the call for abstracts for oral presentations and posters has been published. The 52nd Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland will be held from 12 to 16…
Language extinction triggers the loss of unique medicinal knowledge. Copyright: Cámara-Leret & Bascompte (2021) PNAS 118 (24): e2103683118.

Rodrigo Camara Leret – New member of the Swiss Society of Plant Biology

The Swiss Society of Plant Biology welcomes its new member Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Cámara Leret. Visit his personal research portfolio Biocultural conservation. Rodrigo Cámara is SNSF Starting Grant Professor at the University of Zurich, where…