World Bio­di­ver­si­ty Fo­rum 2022: Register

World Biodiversity Forum 2022 Call

Un­der the theme In­spi­ra­tion for Ac­tion, the sec­ond World Bio­di­ver­si­ty Fo­rum will bring to­geth­er re­searchers across all dis­ci­plines of bio­di­ver­si­ty sci­ence with prac­ti­tion­ers and so­ci­etal ac­tors in a fo­rum that of­fers in­spi­ra­tion and ex­am­ples for ac­tions and so­lu­tions to con­serve bio­di­ver­si­ty, and set us on a path to­wards trans­for­ma­tion for sus­tain­abil­i­ty.

The World Bio­di­ver­si­ty Fo­rum, 26 June - 01 July 2022, is or­gan­ised as a hy­brid event, with the in-per­son meet­ing tak­ing place at Davos Con­gress Cen­tre, Switzer­land.

Be part of the forum: Register now!

We aim to make World Bio­di­ver­si­ty Fo­rum 2022 ac­ces­si­ble to every­one by run­ning it as a hy­brid event. Our in-per­son and vir­tu­al reg­is­tra­tion rate are com­pet­i­tive and com­pa­ra­ble with oth­er in­ter­na­tion­al con­fer­ences.

Spe­cial rates ap­ply for grad­u­ate (PhD) stu­dents, and par­tic­i­pants from low and low­er mid­dle in­come coun­tries.
Prof­it from ear­ly bird dis­counts un­til 31 Jan­u­ary 2022, af­ter that, stan­dard or late rates ap­ply.

Conference website