World Bio­di­ver­si­ty Fo­rum 2020: Call for contributions, session and workshop proposals

branches and bright colors from Pexels

Extended dead­line for con­tri­bu­tions: 4 August 2019.

First of its kind, the World Bio­di­ver­si­ty Fo­rum conference will bring to­geth­er lead­ing re­searchers, ear­ly ca­reer re­searchers, prac­ti­tion­ers, rep­re­sen­ta­tives from dif­fer­ent sec­tors, de­ci­sion-mak­ers and so­ci­etal ac­tors to have a con­ver­sa­tion on the kind of fu­ture we want (and/or do not want) for bio­di­ver­si­ty.

The Fo­rum will pro­vide a plat­form for ex­change, cov­er­ing a wide range of per­spec­tives, and cap­tur­ing a di­ver­si­ty of vi­sions. With this, it aims to re­de­fine and set the agen­da for bio­di­ver­si­ty as a fo­cal point over the next 10 years in cur­rent themes and top­ics across sec­tors.

In this, the Fo­rum sup­ports the “New Deal for Na­ture” to be forged by the Con­ven­tion on Bi­o­log­i­cal Di­ver­si­ty at the end of 2020. It is in line with the Sus­tain­able De­vel­op­ment Goals and its achieve­ment will re­quire the in­volve­ment of all sec­tors/so­ci­etal ac­tors, a so­ci­etal con­sen­sus and a col­lec­tive search for so­lu­tions to con­serve bio­di­ver­si­ty.

Conference themes

  • Chang­ing Bio­di­ver­si­ty - il­lus­trate the re­sponse of bio­di­ver­si­ty and ecosys­tem func­tion to en­vi­ron­men­tal change, ex­plore the im­pacts of (an­thro­pogenic) dri­vers of change and their in­ter­ac­tions and feed­backs with ecosys­tems.
  • Val­ues and Con­cepts - ex­am­ine the role of hu­mans and hu­man agen­cies in the pro­tec­tion and sus­tain­able use of bio­di­ver­si­ty, and ex­plore what does it takes and means for hu­mans to con­serve bio­di­ver­si­ty.
  • Fu­ture of Bio­di­ver­si­ty - what are the path­ways to de­sir­able fu­tures, which ac­tors need to be in­volved, and what com­mit­ments are re­quired?
  • Mak­ing an im­pact - high­light­ing the rel­e­vance and im­por­tance of bio­di­ver­si­ty for hu­man well-be­ing, adding val­ue bio­di­ver­si­ty knowl­edge by mak­ing it use­ful and used, fa­cil­i­tat­ing the im­ple­men­ta­tion of knowl­edge. 


  • Call for contributions
  • Call for session proposals
  • Call for workshop proposals

Dead­line for con­tri­bu­tions extended: 4 August 2019.
