Research into the birth of agriculture in Europe

An interdisciplinary team from the universities of Bern, Oxford and Thessaloniki has been awarded a prestitious grant from the European Research Council (ERC). The team includes researchers from the fields of archeology and biology. Among the recipients is Swiss Plant Science Web member professor Willy Tinner of the University of Bern.
The consortium receives a highly competitive "ERC Synergy Grants" endowed with 6.4 million Euros of research funding for the project "Exploring the dynamics and causes of prehistoric land use change in the cradle of European farming EXPLO".
EXPLO was initiated by Albert Hafner and Willy Tinner from the Oeschger Center for Climate Change Research (OCCR), University of Bern. It aims to investigate prehistoric settlement sites at lakes and shore areas in Greece and in the southern Balkan region.
See the interview with Willy Tinner and Albert Hafner in «uniaktuell»
Uniaktuell, Online Magazin der Universität Bern
ERC Synergy Grants,