More than 160 subsidies damage biodiversity in Switzerland

agriculture image Tom Fisk Pexels

Subsidies in different areas support a variety of political goals in Switzerland. However, more than 160 subsidies harm biodiversity as published in a new study by researchers of the Swiss Federal Research Institute (WSL) and the Swiss Biodiversity Forum of the Swiss Academy of Sciences. These negative effects contravene Switzerland's commitment to adapt or eliminate biodiversity-damaging subsidies by 2020 as agreed under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).

Reference publication (in German)
Gubler, l.; IsmaIl, S. A.; SeIdl, I. (2020) Biodiversitätsschädigende Subventionen in der Schweiz. Grundlagenbericht. WSL Ber. 96. 218 S.


SourceSwiss Biodiversity Forum, Swiss Academy of Sciences, 24/08/2020 News