Microbiomes in soil, plant, animal and human health – International PhD and Postdoc Summer School

microbiomes summer school flyer

The first One Health-International PhD and Post-Doc Summer School entitled «Microbiomes in soil, plant, animal and human health» will consist of conceptual keynote lectures on soil, plant and gut microbiomes and their links to environmental health and hands-on activities on the following topics: microbiota analysis (amplicon data), microbiome analysis (shotgun metagenomic data), scientific visualization, advanced graphics, ordination analysis, network analysis in R.

When: 11-16 August 2019
Where: University of Bern, Switzerland
Who can participate:  PhD students and Post-Docs with backgrounds from the following fields: biology, environmental sciences, medicine, chemistry, geography and bioinformatics.
Registration:  Deadline: 17 May 2019
Applications: will open in February

Organizing committee
Dr. Klaus Schläppi, Prof. Adrien Mestrot, Dr. Alban Ramette, Prof. Siegfried Hapfelmeier and Prof. Matthias Erb, University of Bern, Switzerland

The Interfaculty Research Cooperation (IRC) "One Health" is an approved interfaculty research cooperation funded by the University of Bern. It started in February 2018 and combines the University of Bern's thematic priorities: sustainability, health and medicine.



SPSW Education Summer Schools