Genome Editing – Expert study
Latest methods in the field of genetic engineering enable the modification of genetic material in a significantly more precise way than in the past. It gives rise to a breakthrough for numerous applications in the areas of medicine, animal breeding and plant cultivation, as well as in the field of biotechnology. All applications are the subject of controversy since they bear risks and opportunities.
The study presented by the Swiss Foundation for Technology Assessment analyses the risks and opportunities in the above mentioned areas.
The project website contains a short and a long version of the report for free download.
• A molecular scalpel for intervention in the genome: Opportunities and risks associated with genome editing
Abridged version of the study «Genome Editing» available for download in English, French, Italian and German
• Genome Editing – Interdisziplinäre Technikfolgenabschätzung (2019) Lang A., Spök A., Gruber M., Harrer D., Hammer C., Winkler F., Kaelin L.,Hönigmayer H., Sommer A., Wuketich M., Fuchs M., Griessler E.
In TA-SWISS Publikationsreihe (Hrsg.): TA 70/2019. Zürich: vdf.
Im Buchhandel erhältlich (ISBN 978-3-7281-3981-8) sowie kostenlos zum Download als eBook unter: