Assessment of the interlinkages among biodiversity, water, food and health in the context of climate change: Review the IPBES draft report

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You are invited to review of the draft scoping report for the IPBES nexus assessment.

Dear IPBES members, observers and other interested stakeholders,
With reference to notification EM/2020/4 (25 February 2020), I am pleased to announce that the draft scoping report for the nexus assessment (thematic assessment of the interlinkages among biodiversity, water, food and health in the context of climate change) is open for external review: 5 June 2020 – 31 July 2020 (8 weeks).

The aim of this review is to increase the policy relevance of this scoping report by engaging Governments and stakeholders early in the process of defining the policy questions that this assessment will address. Please click here to register as a reviewer and to access the document together with instructions on how to submit comments.

In order to assist IPBES national focal points with the submission of their review comments, a virtual meeting for national focal points will be held from 6 to 10 July 2020 in the context of the capacity-building work of IPBES. At that meeting, scoping experts will present the draft scoping reports for both assessments, and participants will have the opportunity to interact with them. Information on how to submit comments will be discussed and shared among participants.

I thank you in advance for your participation in the review and your continued support to IPBES.

Yours sincerely,

Dr Anne Larigauderie | Executive Secretary
Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)