An Introduction to InforMEA

The United Nations offer an Information Portal on Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs)

InforMEA provides easy access to information on MEAs.

You can consult treaty texts and provisions of decisions and resolutions adopted by the Governing Bodies of MEAs. You may browse Party information including contacts, national reports and national plans submitted under MEAs. Feel free to learn of terms and concepts as defined in the context of MEAs and consider taking one of over 20 free online courses introducing MEAs. Don’t forget to use the explorer field to search across all this information and further filter and refine results.

InforMEA harvests COP decisions and resolutions, news, events, MEA membership, national focal points, national reports and implementation plans from MEA secretariats and organizes this information around a set of agreed terms.

Watch a short video introducing InforMEA and the e-Learning Portal:
