Advanced breeding paves the way for disease-resistant beans

beans being sold in the market

ETH Zurich researchers are involved in the development and implementation of a method to efficiently breed for disease-resistant beans in different regions of the world. Their work will help to improve the livelihood and food security of smallholders in developing countries.

The scientists used genomics-assisted breeding methods to investigated the resistance of beans to angular leaf spot disease. Their findings are now enabling disease-resistant bean varieties to be bred more rapidly and selectively for the world’s various bean-producing regions.

The research was carried out by Swiss Plant Science Web member Prof. Bruno Studer and his team at the Institute of Agricultural Sciences, ETH Zurich in collaboration with Bodo Raatz and his team at the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT).

Source (full text in English and German)
ETH Zurich News, 11 Sept 2019,


Reference publication
Nay MM, Mukankusi CM, Studer B, Raatz B:
Haplotypes at the Phg-2 locus are determining pathotype-specificity of angular leaf spot resistance in common bean.
Frontiers in Plant Science, 2019. DOI: