30 Jun 2022 - 01 Jul 2022

Caux Palace, Caux (VD)


CUSO Biology Symposium 2022 II: «Bioinformatics» (SIB)

A 2-day workshop will follow the CUSO Biology Symposium on epigenomics. It will be a bioinformatics training on epigenomics data, DNA methylation, histone modification and chromatine re-arrangement.

In this workshop we will try to have continuity with the symposium, on a more applied and bioinformatics side.

Day 1: General introduction to the data for epigenomics. DNA Methylation: ½ for prok and ½ for Euka DNA methylation (bisulfite)

Day 2: Histone modification and chromatine re-arrangement (mainly eukaryotes) (½ day) questions, participants projects, (½ day)


Please note that registration to the two parts of the Symposium has to be done separately:

For the first part: CUSO Biology Symposium 2022 I 'Advances in Epigenetics and Epigenomics'

For the second part: CUSO Biology Symposium 2022 II: 'Bioinformatics' (SIB)


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