27 Jun 2022 - 29 Jun 2022

Caux Palace, Caux (VD)


CUSO Biology Symposium 2022 I: Advances in Epigenetics and Epigenomics

The CUSO Biology Symposium 2022 will bring together internationally leading experts in epigenetics and epigenomics to discuss cutting-edge advances and recent trends in this fascinating field. The area of epigenetics – the study of developmental and phenotypic changes that do not involve DNA sequence changes – touches upon many fundamental aspects of biology and is therefore of great interest to a large audience of biologists: development and cellular biology; gene regulation; chromatin biology; phenotypic plasticity; non-genetic inheritance; and evolutionary adaptation.

Fundamental questions that will be discussed at the meeting include for example:
- How can the same genome give raise to different cell types?
- How do epigenetic mechanisms lead to changes in chromatin structure and gene expression?
- How are environmental changes translated into epigenetic changes?
- How does epigenetics impact phenotypes and disease states?
- To what extent is epigenetic variation controlled genetically?
- How heritable and stable are epigenetic marks over time?
- What is the role of epigenetic inheritance in evolution and adaptation?

The symposium is open to PhD students from all four CUSO doctoral programs inbiology (i.e., Staromics, Plant Molecular Biology, Microbiology, and Ecology and Evolution).

The symposium will consist of lectures by the invited experts as well as discussions with the students in smaller groups (journal club format).

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