Biogeochemistry and biodiversity of agro- and forest ecosystems
Ecosystem Functioning and Global Change
Research in the Grassland Sciences group focuses on the process- and system-oriented understanding of functional plant diversity and of ecosystem biogeochemistry, in particular biospheric-atmospheric greenhouse gas exchange, both in response to human and biophysical drivers, across spatial and temporal scales.
Based on a multidisciplinary approach, we use classical ecological methods and further develop innovative tools, such as stable isotope analyses and micrometeorological measurements, in our observational and experimental studies.
Research topics
- Plant and Ecosystem Ecophysiology
- Biogeochemistry
- Greenhouse Gas Exchange (CO2, H2O, CH4, N2O)
- Biodiversity & Ecosystem Functioning
- Stable Isotope Ecology
- Policy Advice
Latest Publications

Prof. Dr. Nina Buchmann
ETH Zurich
Institute of Agricultural Sciences
8092 Zurich
Tel: +41 (0)44 632 39 59
- Global change biology
- Sustainable and efficient resource use.
- Ecosystem Ecology