Workbook on risk and uncertainty in science, policymaking and its communication

Science and Policy work book cover PSC

This workbook explains risk perception. It offers guidelines for students and scientists on how to communicate risk and uncertainties to policymakers and to the public, focusing on different areas such as public health and climate change. The publication explains the theory of deliberation at the science-society interface and explains the design of a public engagement processes.

Beuttler, C., Paschke, M. (2020). Risk and uncertainty communication. In: Paschke,M., Dahinden, M. (eds.): Engaging in the Science-Policy Dialogue, Workbook 4. Zurich: Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center.

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Competencies for students to be gained:
    You will understand definitions and concepts of uncertainty, ignorance and risk.
    You will develop effective strategies for communicating risk and uncertainty.
    You will become aware of biases in risk perception, including your own.
    You will understand how deliberative systems can help to structure risk and uncertainty.
    You will know the phases and deliberative formats for planning a public engagement process.

The workbooks are targeted to researchers in life science wishing to communicate research findings to policymakers. Educators can use them as a learning resource to advance education in life sciences at the science-policy interface.
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Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center
The Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center (PSC) is a competence center that links and supports the plant science research community of the University of Zurich, ETH Zurich and the University of Basel,