EPSO statement on the EC study on New Genomic Techniques (NGTs)


The European Plant Science Organisation (EPSO) welcomes the ongoing European Commission (EC) study on new genomic techniques (NGTs). They are defined as techniques capable of changing the genetic material of an organism, which have emerged or have been developed since 2001.

In its statement, EPSO refers specifically to genome editing leading via mutagenesis (point mutations or other modifications existing in nature) in plants and products obtained thereby.

EPSO, https://epsoweb.org

Full EPSO statement 27.5.2020, EPSO submission to the EC 13.5.2020, EPSO Reference list submitted to the EC 13.5.2020

EPSO, the European Plant Science Organisation, is an independent academic organisation currently representing 69 institutional members bringing together more than 200 research institutes, departments and universities from 31 countries in Europe and beyond.